我有一个Delphi XE2项目.我的目标是将单个字符与字符串分开然后更改字体颜色,之后所有字符将显示在滚动TLabel中. 基本上我的项目是显示Scrolling Tex,每个字符都有与prevoius字符不同的颜色
基本上我的项目是显示Scrolling Tex,每个字符都有与prevoius字符不同的颜色.字符颜色将根据颜色滑块而有所不同.
>使用Timer1,LeftMostCharacter将被分离,颜色将被更改,然后它将被添加到Label1. Label1将从右向左滚动.
>使用Timer2,RightMostCharacter将被分开,颜色将被更改,然后它将被添加到Label1. Label1将从左向右滚动.
interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls; type TMainForm = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Timer1: TTimer; Timer2: TTimer; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Timer1.Enabled := true; Timer2.Enabled := true; end; procedure TMainForm.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Timer1.Enabled := false; Timer2.Enabled := false; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MainForm.Color := RGB(41, 41, 41); Timer1.Interval := 100; Label1.Font.Color := RGB(000, 255, 000); Label1.Caption := ' Koushik Halder''s Left Scrolling Text Effect Example 001 Koushik Halder''s Left Scrolling Text Effect Example 001 '; Timer2.Interval := 100; Label2.Font.Color := RGB(000, 000, 255); Label2.Caption := ' Koushik Halder''s Right Scrolling Text Effect Example 001 Koushik Halder''s Right Scrolling Text Effect Example 001 '; end; procedure TMainForm.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var StringLength01: integer; LeftScrollingText: string; LeftMostCharacter: string; R1, G1, B1: Integer; IncrementalFactor, DecrementalFactor: Integer; begin IncrementalFactor := 15; // May Be '01', '05', '15' DecrementalFactor := 15; // May Be '01', '05', '15' // Get The Leftmost Character From Label1.Caption StringLength01 := Length(Label1.Caption); LeftMostCharacter := Label1.Caption[1]; R1 := GetRValue(ColorToRGB(Label1.Font.Color)); G1 := GetGValue(ColorToRGB(Label1.Font.Color)); B1 := GetBValue(ColorToRGB(Label1.Font.Color)); if (R1 = 255) and (G1 = 000) and (B1 < 255) then begin B1 := B1 + IncrementalFactor; end else if (R1 > 000) and (G1 = 000) and (B1 = 255) then begin R1 := R1 - DecrementalFactor; end else if (R1 = 000) and (G1 < 255) and (B1 = 255) then begin G1 := G1 + IncrementalFactor; end else if (R1 = 000) and (G1 = 255) and (B1 > 000) then begin B1 := B1 - DecrementalFactor; end else if (R1 < 255) and (G1 = 255) and (B1 = 000) then begin R1 := R1 + IncrementalFactor; end else if (R1 = 255) and (G1 > 000) and (B1 = 000) then begin G1 := G1 - DecrementalFactor; end else begin Timer1.Enabled := false; end; Label1.Font.Color := RGB(R1, G1, B1); // Trim The Strings Label1.Caption := Copy(Label1.Caption, 2, StringLength01 -1); LeftScrollingText := Label1.Caption + LeftMostCharacter; Label1.Caption := LeftScrollingText; end; procedure TMainForm.Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject); var StringLength02: integer; RightScrollingText: string; RightMostCharacter: string; R2, G2, B2: Integer; IncrementalFactor, DecrementalFactor: Integer; begin IncrementalFactor := 15; // May Be '01', '05', '15' DecrementalFactor := 15; // May Be '01', '05', '15' // Get The Rightmost Character From Label2.Caption StringLength02 := Length(Label2.Caption); RightMostCharacter := Label2.Caption[StringLength02]; R2 := GetRValue(ColorToRGB(Label2.Font.Color)); G2 := GetGValue(ColorToRGB(Label2.Font.Color)); B2 := GetBValue(ColorToRGB(Label2.Font.Color)); if (R2 = 255) and (G2 = 000) and (B2 < 255) then begin B2 := B2 + IncrementalFactor; end else if (R2 > 000) and (G2 = 000) and (B2 = 255) then begin R2 := R2 - DecrementalFactor; end else if (R2 = 000) and (G2 < 255) and (B2 = 255) then begin G2 := G2 + IncrementalFactor; end else if (R2 = 000) and (G2 = 255) and (B2 > 000) then begin B2 := B2 - DecrementalFactor; end else if (R2 < 255) and (G2 = 255) and (B2 = 000) then begin R2 := R2 + IncrementalFactor; end else if (R2 = 255) and (G2 > 000) and (B2 = 000) then begin G2 := G2 - DecrementalFactor; end else begin Timer2.Enabled := false; end; Label2.Font.Color := RGB(R2, G2, B2); //Trim The Strings Label2.Caption := Copy(Label2.Caption, 1, StringLength02 -1); RightScrollingText := RightMostCharacter + Label2.Caption; Label2.Caption := RightScrollingText; end; end.