我的deplhi应用程序(IE)中集成了一个浏览器.我需要调用某个Web应用程序,我需要在标题中为来自我的应用程序浏览器的所有请求添加一个新变量,例如 jquery将x_robj添加到HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH参
procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(Sender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers: OleVariant; var Cancel: WordBool); var NewHeaders: OleVariant; begin // do not allow frames or iframes to raise this event if (pDisp as IUnknown) = (WebBrowser1.ControlInterface as IUnknown) then begin // avoid stack overflow: check if our custom header is already set if Pos('MyHeader', Headers) <> 0 then Exit; // cancel the current navigation Cancel := True; (pDisp as IWebBrowser2).Stop; // modify headers with our custom header NewHeaders := Headers + 'MyHeader: Value'#13#10; (pDisp as IWebBrowser2).Navigate2(URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, NewHeaders); end; end;