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c# – 在调试模式下给出ctrl c时,控制台应用程序不会退出

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-25
当我在Release中运行以下内容时,按下CTRL C会成功终止该应用程序. 在Debug中运行时,按下CTRL C会在下面的while循环中挂起. 为什么?有没有解决的办法? static void Main(string[] args){ while (true)
当我在Release中运行以下内容时,按下CTRL C会成功终止该应用程序.

在Debug中运行时,按下CTRL C会在下面的while循环中挂起.


static void Main(string[] args)
    while (true)
        // Press CTRL + C...
        // When running in Release, the app closes down
        // When running in Debug, it hangs in here
一种方法是实现这一点是使用 Console.CancelKeyPress

Occurs when the Control modifier key (Ctrl) and either the
ConsoleKey.C console key (C) or the Break key are pressed
simultaneously (Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break).

When the user presses either Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break, the CancelKeyPress
event is fired and the application’s ConsoleCancelEventHandler event
handler is executed. The event handler is passed a
ConsoleCancelEventArgs object

private static bool keepRunning = true;

public static void Main(string[] args)
   Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) {
         e.Cancel = true;
         keepRunning = false;

   while (keepRunning) 
      // Do stuff
   Console.WriteLine("exited gracefully");