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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2022-05-25
这篇文章带领大家来看看c#的性能问题。当然了,作为比较的选手是c/c++。 首先说说测试环境: 操作系统:win7 旗舰版 内存:2GB 硬盘:160GB 处理器:Intel Pentium Dual CPU T2330 @ 1.60GHZ 本文打




操作系统:win7 旗舰版



处理器:Intel Pentium Dual CPU T2330 @ 1.60GHZ









7.异常处理能力; 8.STL vs FCL; 9.算法HeapSort; 10.矩阵乘; 11.嵌套for循环; 12.字符串连接。




1.CPU使用情况 在程序的整个运行过程中,两者的CPU占用情况都在50%上下浮动,算是不分上下。


2.内存使用情况 这里列一 组程序执行过程中我记录的数据: c/c++:216kb,832kb,904kb,944kb,1336kb。 c#:1972kb,1980kb,2000kb,2372kb,3024kb,5156kb。 通过这组数据,不难发现,在内存使用方面c#可算是一败涂地。注: 希望有人能解释下c#为什么会出现这种一路飙升的情况呢?!


3.基本类型的四则运算能力 费话不多说了,上代码:(注,所有的图中时间单位均为毫秒ms) c/c++的: 针对int的
 1 double intArithmetic(">int intMax)
2 {
3 double elapsedTime;
4 clock_t stopTime;
5 int intResult = 1;
6 int i = 1;
8 clock_t startTime = clock();
9 while (i < intMax)
10 {
11 intResult -= i++;
12 intResult += i++;
13 intResult *= i++;
14 intResult /= i++;
15 }
16 stopTime = clock();
18 elapsedTime = (stopTime - startTime) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (double) 1000.0);
19 printf("Int arithmetic elapsed time: %1.0f ms with intMax of %ld\n", elapsedTime, intMax);
20 printf(" i: %d\n", i);
21 printf(" intResult: %d\n", intResult);
22 return elapsedTime;
23 }


c#的: 针对int的
 1 static long intArithmetic(int intMax)
2 {
3 long elapsedMilliseconds;
4 int intResult = 1;
5 int i = 0;
7 stopwatch.Start();
8 while (i < intMax)
9 {
10 intResult -= i++;
11 intResult += i++;
12 intResult *= i++;
13 intResult /= i++;
14 }
15 elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
16 stopwatch.Reset();
18 Console.WriteLine("Int arithmetic elapsed time: " + elapsedMilliseconds +
19 " ms with max of " + intMax);
20 Console.WriteLine(" i: " + i);
21 Console.WriteLine(" intResult: " + intResult);
22 return elapsedMilliseconds;
23 }



c/c++的: 针对double的
 1 double doubleArithmetic(double doubleMin, double doubleMax)
2 {
3 double elapsedTime;
4 clock_t stopTime;
5 clock_t startTime = clock();
7 double doubleResult = doubleMin;
8 double i = doubleMin;
9 while (i < doubleMax)
10 {
11 doubleResult -= i++;
12 doubleResult += i++;
13 doubleResult *= i++;
14 doubleResult /= i++;
15 }
17 stopTime = clock();
18 elapsedTime = (stopTime - startTime) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (double) 1000.0);
19 printf("Double arithmetic elapsed time: %1.0f ms with doubleMin %.15f, doubleMax %.15f\n", elapsedTime, doubleMin, doubleMax);
20 printf(" i: %f\n", i);
21 printf(" doubleResult: %.15f\n", doubleResult);
22 return elapsedTime;
23 }


c#的: 针对double的
 1 static long doubleArithmetic(double doubleMin, double doubleMax)
2 {
3 long elapsedMilliseconds;
4 double doubleResult = doubleMin;
5 double i = doubleMin;
7 stopwatch.Start();
8 while (i < doubleMax)
9 {
10 doubleResult -= i++;
11 doubleResult += i++;
12 doubleResult *= i++;
13 doubleResult /= i++;
14 }
15 elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
16 stopwatch.Reset();
18 Console.WriteLine("Double arithmetic elapsed time: " + elapsedMilliseconds +
19 " ms with min of " + doubleMin + ", max of " + doubleMax);
20 Console.WriteLine(" i: " + i);
21 Console.WriteLine(" doubleResult: " + doubleResult);
22 return elapsedMilliseconds;
23 }



c/c++的: 针对long的
 1 double longArithmetic(long long longMin, long long longMax)
2 {
3 double elapsedTime;
4 clock_t stopTime;
5 clock_t startTime = clock();
7 long long longResult = longMin;
8 long long i = longMin;
9 while (i < longMax)
10 {
11 longResult -= i++;
12 longResult += i++;
13 longResult *= i++;
14 longResult /= i++;
15 }
17 stopTime = clock();
18 elapsedTime = (stopTime - startTime) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (double) 1000.0);
19 printf("Long arithmetic elapsed time: %1.0f ms with longMax %I64d\n", elapsedTime, longMax);
20 printf(" i: %I64d\n", i);
21 printf(" longResult: %I64d\n", longResult);
22 return elapsedTime;
23 }


c#的: 针对long的
 1 static long longArithmetic(long intMin, long intMax)
2 {
3 long elapsedMilliseconds;
4 long intResult = intMin;
5 long i = intMin;
7 stopwatch.Start();
8 while (i < intMax)
9 {
10 intResult -= i++;
11 intResult += i++;
12 intResult *= i++;
13 intResult /= i++;
14 }
15 elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
16 stopwatch.Reset();
18 Console.WriteLine("long arithmetic elapsed time: " + elapsedMilliseconds +
19 " ms with min of " + intMin + ", max of " + intMax);
20 Console.WriteLine(" i: " + i);
21 Console.WriteLine(" intResult: " + intResult);
22 return elapsedMilliseconds;
23 }





4.数学函数的运算能力 c/c++的: 常用数学函数
 1 double trig(double trigMax)
2 {
3 double elapsedTime;
4 clock_t stopTime;
5 clock_t startTime = clock();
7 double sine;
8 double cosine;
9 double tangent;
10 double logarithm;
11 double squareRoot;
13 double i = 0.0;
14 while (i < trigMax)
15 {
16 sine = sin(i);
17 cosine = cos(i);
18 tangent = tan(i);
19 logarithm = log10(i);
20 squareRoot = sqrt(i);
21 i++;
22 }
24 stopTime = clock();
25 elapsedTime = (stopTime - startTime) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (double) 1000.0);
26 printf("Trig elapsed time: %1.0f ms with max of %1.0f\n", elapsedTime, trigMax);
27 printf(" i: %f\n", i);
28 printf(" sine: %.15f\n", sine);
29 printf(" cosine: %.15f\n", cosine);
30 printf(" tangent: %.15f\n", tangent);
31 printf(" logarithm: %.15f\n", logarithm);
32 printf(" squareRoot: %.15f\n", squareRoot);
33 return elapsedTime;
34 }


c#的: 常用数学函数
 1 static long trig(double trigMax)
2 {
3 long elapsedMilliseconds;
5 double sine = 0.0D;
6 double cosine = 0.0D;
7 double tangent = 0.0D;
8 double logarithm = 0.0D;
9 double squareRoot = 0.0D;
10 double i = 0.0D;
12 stopwatch.Start();
13 while(i < trigMax)
14 {
15 sine = Math.Sin(i);
16 cosine = Math.Cos(i);
17 tangent = Math.Tan(i);
18 logarithm = Math.Log10(i);
19 squareRoot = Math.Sqrt(i);
20 i++;
21 }
22 elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
23 stopwatch.Reset();
25 Console.WriteLine("Trig elapsed time: " + elapsedMilliseconds +
26 " ms with max of " + trigMax);
27 Console.WriteLine(" i: " + i);
28 Console.WriteLine(" sine: " + sine);
29 Console.WriteLine(" cosine: " + cosine);
30 Console.WriteLine(" tangent: " + tangent);
31 Console.WriteLine(" logarithm: " + logarithm);
32 Console.WriteLine(" squareRoot: " + squareRoot);
33 return elapsedMilliseconds;
34 }


对比结果如下图: 通过数据,我们发现c#在计算sin、cos、tan、log、sqrt等数学函数方面明显 优于c/c++。大家以后注意了哦……
5.I/O操作能力 c/c++的: 写文件、读文件
 1 double io(int ioMax)
2 {
3 double elapsedTime;
4 clock_t stopTime;
5 clock_t startTime = clock();
7 FILE *stream;
8 stream = fopen("F:\\TestC.txt", "w");
9 int i = 0;
10 while (i++ < ioMax)
11 {
12 fputs("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefgh\n", stream);
13 }
14 fclose(stream);
16 char readLine[100];
17 stream = fopen("F:\\TestC.txt", "r");
18 i = 0;
19 while (i++ < ioMax)
20 {
21 fgets(readLine, 100, stream);
22 }
23 fclose(stream);
25 stopTime = clock();
26 elapsedTime = (stopTime - startTime) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (double) 1000.0);
27 printf("I/O elapsed time: %1.0f ms with max of %ld\n", elapsedTime, ioMax);
28 printf(" i: %d\n", i);
29 printf(" readLine: %s\n", readLine);
31 return elapsedTime;
32 }


c#的: 写文件、读文件
 1 static long io(int ioMax)
2 {
3 long elapsedMilliseconds;
5 String fileName = "F:\\TestCSharp.txt";
6 String textLine = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefgh";
7 int i = 0;
8 String myLine = "";
10 stopwatch.Start();
11 try
12 {
13 StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileName);
14 while (i++ < ioMax)
15 {
16 streamWriter.WriteLine(textLine);
17 }
18 streamWriter.Close();
20 i = 0;
21 StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(fileName);
22 while (i++ < ioMax)
23 {
24 myLine = streamReader.ReadLine();
25 }
26 }
27 catch (IOException e)
28 {
29 System.Console.Write(e.Message);
30 }
33 elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
34 stopwatch.Reset();
36 Console.WriteLine("IO elapsed time: " + elapsedMilliseconds +
37 " ms with max of " + ioMax);
38 Console.WriteLine(" i: " + i);
39 Console.WriteLine(" myLine: " + myLine);
40 return elapsedMilliseconds;
41 }


对比结果见下图: 通过数据,我们发现c#的性能略优于c/c++。 6.数组运算能力 c/c++的: 数组基本操作
 1 double array(int n)
2 {
3 int i, k, *x, *y;
5 double elapsedTime;
6 clock_t stopTime;
7 clock_t startTime = clock();
8 x = new int[n];
9 y = new int[n];
11 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
12 x[i] = i + 1;
13 y[i] = 0;
14 }
15 for (k=0; k<1000; k++) {
16 for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
17 y[i] += x[i];
18 }
19 }
21 stopTime = clock();
22 elapsedTime = (stopTime - startTime) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC / (double) 1000.0);
23 printf("array elapsed time: %1.0f ms - %ld %ld\n", elapsedTime, y[0], y[n-1]);
25 delete[] x;
26 delete[] y;
28 return elapsedTime;
29 }


c#的: 数组基本操作
 1 static long array(int n)
2 {
3 long elapsedMilliseconds;
4 int i, j, k;
5 int[] x;
6 int[] y;
8 stopwatch.Start();
9 if(n < 1) n = 1;
11 x = new int[n];
12 y = new int[n];
14 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
15 {
16 x[i] = i + 1;
17 y[i] = 0;
18 }
19 for (k = 0; k < 1000; k++ )
20 for (j = n-1; j >= 0; j--)
21 y[j] += x[j];
23 elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
24 stopwatch.Reset();
26 Console.WriteLine("Array elapsed time: " + elapsedMilliseconds + " ms - "+ y[0].ToString() + " " + y[n-1].ToString());
27 return elapsedMilliseconds;
28 }


对比结果见下图: 通过数据发现,在数组基本操作方面c#较弱(大家都能知道为什么!)。 7.异常处理能力 由于这部分代码稍多,所以就不在这贴了,一多后台就崩溃了(在写这篇文章其间自由互联后台不知崩溃了n次,对此很无语……)。 后面会给出所有源码的下载地址。 对比结果见下图: 通过数据,发现c/c++在这方面远胜于c#,可是大家不要就此止步,再想想为什么。注: 可参考Jeffrey Richter的CLR via C#中有关异常的讨论。 8.STL vs FCL 郁闷啊!不知道为什么,一提交网站不停地崩溃,我写的东西不停地全没。没有办法,代码就不贴了。直接上结果。 这里,通过map<T1,T2>和Dictionary<T1,T2>的两组对比和一组Vector<T>和List<T>的对比。 第一组对比结果见下图: 这里涉及到的基本操作包括,插入和测试key是否存在。通过数据,发现c#的Dictionary<T1,T2> 的性能远远优于c/c++(10倍有余)。 第二组对比结果见下图: 通过数据发现c#版的字典性能远优于c/c++中的。 Vector<T>和List<T>的对比结果见下图: 通过数据发现两者性能不相上下。 9.算法HeapSort 对比结果见下图: 通过数据发现,c/c++要优于c#(看代码发现罪魁祸首在于数组操作)。 10.矩阵乘 对比结果见下图: 通过数据发现,c/c++的性能几乎是c#的两倍。截止到目前,我们应该知道 c#在数组、矩阵操作方面是个弱项(为什么?)。大家在以后的工作学习中要学会 扬长避短哦…… 11.嵌套for循环 对比结果见下图: 通过数据发现,c#略差于c/c++。 12.字符串连接 大家都知道,字符串连接是个耗时的操作,现在让我们来看看两者的表现,对比结果见下图: 令人意外的是,c#在这方面的性能要优于c/c++(几乎2倍有余)。 13.总和对比 这里的总和指的是前面所有项的时间加和,对比结果见下图: 通过数据发现,在一般的应用中c#的性能能达到c/c++的70%-80%。 作为托管代码来说这已经很不错了,你说呢? 总结     写了这么多了,也许有人要问我了,你到底想说什么呢?其实,作为语言,我们要懂得什么情况下用哪个。我的观点是, 精通一门,熟悉或了解另一门。怎么说呢?如果您已经工作了,那么很容易做决定,您工作中不停要用到的语言自然是您 应该精通的了。如果您和我一样还是学生的话,那也很好办,凭自己的喜好呗,但不要太过执着于语言本身。比如说我, 花了大量时间在c#上,今年暑假要去公司实习(大半会用到c++),所以你也要了解c++,不是吗?     现在的社会,一切都讲求速度。特别是在软件行业更是如此。软件不仅要求运行速度,很多时候更多的是开发速度,而且是第一个 遇到的问题。不是有哪位大牛说过嘛,先让它run起来,再让它run地更快。结合上面的形式,一个项目中即需要懂c#的也需要懂c++的。 下面的建议摘自别人的博客原文: Except for writing time-critical blocks of code, prefer C#. Write all your algorithmic code in C++ (not VC++ .NET), compile it into a dll and call that using a Dll Interop through C#. This should balance the performance. This technique is not new or not invented by me or anyone. It's similar the old age C programming vs Assembly, where people on one camp fight assembly programming is faster and the other camp stating C is easier to develop and then people started using assembly embedded within a C program for time-critical applications using an asm block.

History repeats...!

在一个真正的软件项目中我们要做到开发速度与运行速度的折中。另外,建议大家看一下《Framework Design Guidelines, Conventions,Idioms,and Patterns

for Reusable .NET Libraries》,这本书深刻阐述了.NET的设计过程,其认真程度(包括一个命名)令人折服。

  1. http://www.tommti-systems.de/go.html?http://www.tommti-systems.de/main-Dateien/reviews/languages/benchmarks.html
  2. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/CSharpVsCPP.aspx
  3. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173196(VS.80).aspx
  4. http://dotnet.sys-con.com/node/46342
  5. http://www.techgalaxy.net/Docs/Dev/5ways.htm

