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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2022-05-30
共四个 Chapter,持续输出中。 参考资料: UML软件建模技术-基于IBM RSA工具(清华大学出版社) UML2.0基础与RSA建模实例教程(人民邮电) 面向对象葵花宝典(李运华)(电子工业出版社

共四个 Chapter,持续输出中。
UML软件建模技术-基于IBM RSA工具(清华大学出版社)
火球——UML大战需求分析(第二版)(张传波 )
吉林大学统一建模语言及工具 ppt

Why we modeling and What is UML Why We Modeling

What is a model?

  • A model is a simplification of reality.

What is Modeling?

  • 建模就是认识现实世界

What is Software Models?

  • 软件模型的概念

    • 软件模型:通过一定的形式和方法用来描述软件的模型。
    • 软件建模:建立软件模型的过程被称为软件建模。
  • 软件模型的内容

    • 需求模型:描述软件向用户所能够提供的外在特性,包括软件的目标、
    • 分析模型:立足于系统的抽象逻辑建模.
    • 设计模型:软件设计方案的规范化描述。包括软件的架构、详细设计、界面设计、数据库设计等模型。
    • 测试模型:测试软件的方案描述.
Software Modeling

Software modeling elements

Object oriented software modeling


  • 对象是软件建模的重心
  • 包括需求、设计、实现等多种模型

Software modeling process

  • 是指根据软件开发的需要,进行业务建模、需求建模、分析建模、设计建模和测试建模的过程。

Software modeling tools

  • Rational Rose2003
  • Enterprise Architect
  • Microsoft Visio
  • IBM Rational Software Architect
  • starUML
Introducing the UML

What is UML?
Unified Modeling Language

  • Unified: UML has become a world standard
  • Modeling: Describing a software system at a high level of abstraction
  • Language: More comprehensible, ready-to-use, expressive, and visualing.

The UML Is a Language for Visualizing, Specifying, Constructing and Documenting

  • Visualizing

    • Communicating conceptual models to others is prone to error unless everyone involved speaks the same language.
    • There are things about a software system you can’t understand unless you build models.
    • An explicit model facilitates communication.
  • Specifying

    • To build models that are precise, unambiguous, and complete. In particular, the UML addresses the specification of all the important analysis, design, and implementation decisions that must be made to develop and deploy software-intensive systems.
  • Constructing

    • UML models can be directly connected to a variety of programming languages.
  • Documenting

    • The UML addresses documentation of system architecture, requirements, tests, project planning, and release management.

History of UML

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