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区块链共识机制 —— PoW共识的Python实现

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2022-06-15
原始实现(python2 版本) ​​https://github.com/santisiri/proof-of-work​​ 依据python3特性改进后: #!/usr/bin/env python # example of proof of work algorithm import hashlib import time max_nonce = 2 ** 32 # 4 billion de

原始实现(python2 版本)



#!/usr/bin/env python
# example of proof of work algorithm

import hashlib
import time

max_nonce = 2 ** 32 # 4 billion

def proof_of_work(header, difficulty_bits):

target = 2 ** (256-difficulty_bits)
for nonce in range(max_nonce):
hash_result = hashlib.sha256((str(header)+str(nonce)).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
if int(hash_result, 16) < target:
print( "Success with nonce %d" % nonce )
print( "Hash is %s" % hash_result )
return (hash_result, nonce)

print( "Failed after %d (max_nonce) tries" % nonce )
return nonce

if __name__ == '__main__':

nonce = 0
hash_result = ''

for difficulty_bits in range(32):

difficulty = 2 ** difficulty_bits

print( "" )
print( "Difficulty: %ld (%d bits)" % (difficulty, difficulty_bits) )

print( "Starting search..." )

start_time = time.time()

new_block = 'test block with transactions' + hash_result

(hash_result, nonce) = proof_of_work(new_block, difficulty_bits)

end_time = time.time()

elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

print( "Elapsed time: %.4f seconds" % elapsed_time )

if elapsed_time > 0:

hash_power = float(int(nonce)/elapsed_time)
print( "Hashing power: %ld hashes per second" % hash_power )


区块链共识机制 —— PoW共识的Python实现_区块链




