本站所有数据均由作者定制的爬虫程序采集于互联网(类似于搜索引擎的爬虫),所有数据均为网站公开的非隐私数据,任何人均可看到。 本作者没有采用任何非法手段(例如黑客技术
- 本站所有数据均由作者定制的爬虫程序采集于互联网(类似于搜索引擎的爬虫),所有数据均为网站公开的非隐私数据,任何人均可看到。
- 本作者没有采用任何非法手段(例如黑客技术)盗取网站的非公开数据。
- 如果您觉得作者侵犯了您的合法权益,请联系作者予以处理
博主采集了微博上2021-10-01 – 2021-12-28#剧本杀#话题的相关数据,共6210条数据,3441个用户。
def parse_weibo(self, response):"""解析网页中的微博信息"""
keyword = response.meta.get('keyword')
for sel in response.xpath("//div[@class='card-wrap']"):
info = sel.xpath(
if info:
weibo = WeiboItem()
weibo['id'] = sel.xpath('@mid').extract_first()
weibo['bid'] = sel.xpath(
weibo['user_id'] = info[0].xpath(
weibo['screen_name'] = info[0].xpath(
txt_sel = sel.xpath('.//p[@class="txt"]')[0]
retweet_sel = sel.xpath('.//div[@class="card-comment"]')
retweet_txt_sel = ''
if retweet_sel and retweet_sel[0].xpath('.//p[@class="txt"]'):
retweet_txt_sel = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
content_full = sel.xpath(
is_long_weibo = False
is_long_retweet = False
if content_full:
if not retweet_sel:
txt_sel = content_full[0]
is_long_weibo = True
elif len(content_full) == 2:
txt_sel = content_full[0]
retweet_txt_sel = content_full[1]
is_long_weibo = True
is_long_retweet = True
elif retweet_sel[0].xpath(
retweet_txt_sel = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
is_long_retweet = True
txt_sel = content_full[0]
is_long_weibo = True
weibo['text'] = txt_sel.xpath(
'string(.)').extract_first().replace('\u200b', '').replace(
'\ue627', '')
weibo['article_url'] = self.get_article_url(txt_sel)
weibo['location'] = self.get_location(txt_sel)
if weibo['location']:
weibo['text'] = weibo['text'].replace(
'2' + weibo['location'], '')
weibo['text'] = weibo['text'][2:].replace(' ', '')
if is_long_weibo:
weibo['text'] = weibo['text'][:-6]
weibo['at_users'] = self.get_at_users(txt_sel)
weibo['topics'] = self.get_topics(txt_sel)
reposts_count = sel.xpath(
reposts_count = "".join(reposts_count)
reposts_count = re.findall(r'\d+.*', reposts_count)
except TypeError:
"无法解析转发按钮,可能是 1) 网页布局有改动 2) cookie无效或已过期。\n"
"请在 https://github.com/dataabc/weibo-search 查看文档,以解决问题,"
raise CloseSpider()
weibo['reposts_count'] = reposts_count[
0] if reposts_count else '0'
comments_count = sel.xpath(
comments_count = re.findall(r'\d+.*', comments_count)
weibo['comments_count'] = comments_count[
0] if comments_count else '0'
attitudes_count = sel.xpath(
if attitudes_count:
attitudes_count = re.findall(r'\d+.*', attitudes_count)
attitudes_count = '0'
weibo['attitudes_count'] = attitudes_count[
0] if attitudes_count else '0'
created_at = sel.xpath(
).replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '').split('前')[0]
weibo['created_at'] = util.standardize_date(created_at)
source = sel.xpath('(.//p[@class="from"])[last()]/a[2]/text()'
weibo['source'] = source if source else ''
pics = ''
is_exist_pic = sel.xpath(
'.//div[@class="media media-piclist"]')
if is_exist_pic:
pics = is_exist_pic[0].xpath('ul[1]/li/img/@src').extract()
pics = [pic[8:] for pic in pics]
pics = [
re.sub(r'/.*?/', '/large/', pic, 1) for pic in pics
pics = ['https://' + pic for pic in pics]
video_url = ''
is_exist_video = sel.xpath(
if is_exist_video:
video_url = is_exist_video.extract_first()
video_url = unquote(
video_url = 'http://' + video_url
if not retweet_sel:
weibo['pics'] = pics
weibo['video_url'] = video_url
weibo['pics'] = ''
weibo['video_url'] = ''
weibo['retweet_id'] = ''
if retweet_sel and retweet_sel[0].xpath(
retweet = WeiboItem()
retweet['id'] = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
retweet['bid'] = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
info = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
retweet['user_id'] = info.xpath(
retweet['screen_name'] = info.xpath(
retweet['text'] = retweet_txt_sel.xpath(
'\ue627', '')
retweet['article_url'] = self.get_article_url(
retweet['location'] = self.get_location(retweet_txt_sel)
if retweet['location']:
retweet['text'] = retweet['text'].replace(
'2' + retweet['location'], '')
retweet['text'] = retweet['text'][2:].replace(' ', '')
if is_long_retweet:
retweet['text'] = retweet['text'][:-6]
retweet['at_users'] = self.get_at_users(retweet_txt_sel)
retweet['topics'] = self.get_topics(retweet_txt_sel)
reposts_count = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
'.//ul[@class="act s-fr"]/li/a[1]/text()'
reposts_count = re.findall(r'\d+.*', reposts_count)
retweet['reposts_count'] = reposts_count[
0] if reposts_count else '0'
comments_count = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
'.//ul[@class="act s-fr"]/li[2]/a[1]/text()'
comments_count = re.findall(r'\d+.*', comments_count)
retweet['comments_count'] = comments_count[
0] if comments_count else '0'
attitudes_count = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
if attitudes_count:
attitudes_count = re.findall(r'\d+.*', attitudes_count)
attitudes_count = '0'
retweet['attitudes_count'] = attitudes_count[
0] if attitudes_count else '0'
created_at = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
).replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '').split('前')[0]
retweet['created_at'] = util.standardize_date(created_at)
source = retweet_sel[0].xpath(
retweet['source'] = source if source else ''
retweet['pics'] = pics
retweet['video_url'] = video_url
retweet['retweet_id'] = ''
yield {'weibo': retweet, 'keyword': keyword}
weibo['retweet_id'] = retweet['id']
yield {'weibo': weibo, 'keyword': keyword}