大家好,我是小寒~ 今天给大家分享30个python常用小技巧 联系我哦 原文链接 1、列表推导 列表的元素可以在一行中进行方便的循环。 numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]even_numbers = [number for numb
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] even_numbers = [number for number in numbers if number % 2 == 0] print(even_numbers)输出:
dictionary = {'first_num': 1, 'second_num': 2, 'third_num': 3, 'fourth_num': 4} oddvalues = {key: value for (key, value) in dictionary.items() if value % 2 != 0} print(oddvalues)Output: {'first_num': 1, 'third_num': 3}2、枚举函数
sentence = 'Just do It' length = len(sentence) for index, element in enumerate(sentence): print('{}: {}'.format(index, element)) if index == 0: print('The first element!') elif index == length - 1: print('The last element!')3、通过函数返回多个值
get_student 函数,它根据员工的ID号以元组形式返回员工的名字和姓氏。
# returning a tuple. def get_student(id_num): if id_num == 0: return 'Taha', 'Nate' elif id_num == 1: return 'Jakub', 'Abdal' else: raise Exception('No Student with this id: {}'.format(id_num)) Student = get_student(0) print('first_name: {}, last_name: {}'.format(Student[0], Student[1]))方法二、
# returning a dictionary def get_data(id_num): if id_num == 0: return {'first_name': 'Muhammad', 'last_name': 'Taha', 'title': 'Data Scientist', 'department': 'A', 'date_joined': '20200807'} elif id_num == 1: return {'first_name': 'Ryan', 'last_name': 'Gosling', 'title': 'Data Engineer', 'department': 'B', 'date_joined': '20200809'} else: raise Exception('No employee with this id: {}'.format(id_num)) employee = get_data(0) print('first_name: {},nlast_name: {},ntitle: {},ndepartment: {},ndate_joined: {}'.format( employee['first_name'], employee['last_name'], employee['title'], employee['department'], employee['date_joined']))4、像数学一样比较多个数字
1<x and x<30在python中,你可以这么使用
x = 5 print(1<x<30)5、将字符串转换为字符串列表:
当你输入 "[[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]" 时,你想转换为列表,你可以这么做。
import ast def string_to_list(string): return ast.literal_eval(string) string = "[[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]" my_list = string_to_list(string) print(my_list)6、对于Else方法
Python 中 esle 特殊的用法。
number_List = [1, 3, 8, 9,1] for number in number_List: if number % 2 == 0: print(number) break else: print("No even numbers!!")7、在列表中查找n个最大或n个最小的元素
使用 heapq 模块在列表中查找n个最大或n个最小的元素。
import heapq numbers = [80, 25, 68, 77, 95, 88, 30, 55, 40, 50] print(heapq.nlargest(5, numbers)) print(heapq.nsmallest(5, numbers))8、在不循环的情况下重复整个字符串
value = "Taha" print(value * 5) print("-" * 21)9、从列表中查找元素的索引
cities= ['Vienna', 'Amsterdam', 'Paris', 'Berlin'] print(cities.index('Berlin'))10、在同一行中打印多个元素?
print("Analytics", end="") print("Vidhya") print("Analytics", end=" ") print("Vidhya") print('Data', 'science', 'blogathon', '12', sep=', ')输出
AnalyticsVidhya Analytics Vidhya Data, science, blogathon, 1211、把大数字分开以便于阅读
print(5_000_000_000_000) print(7_543_291_635)输出:
5000000000000 754329163512、反转列表的切片
sentence = "Data science blogathon" print(sentence[21:0:-1])输出
nohtagolb ecneics ata13、 “is” 和 “==” 的区别。
list1 = [7, 9, 4] list2 = [7, 9, 4] print(list1 == list2) print(list1 is list2) list3 = list1 print(list3 is list1)输出
True False True14、在一行代码中合并两个词典。
first_dct = {"London": 1, "Paris": 2} second_dct = {"Tokyo": 3, "Seol": 4} merged = {**first_dct, **second_dct} print(merged)输出
{‘London’: 1, ‘Paris’: 2, ‘Tokyo’: 3, ‘Seol’: 4}15、识别字符串是否以特定字母开头
sentence = "Analytics Vidhya" print(sentence.startswith("b")) print(sentence.startswith("A"))16、获得字符的Unicode
print(ord("T")) print(ord("A")) print(ord("h")) print(ord("a"))17、获取字典的键值对
cities = {'London': 1, 'Paris': 2, 'Tokyo': 3, 'Seol': 4} for key, value in cities.items(): print(f"Key: {key} and Value: {value}")18、在列表的特定位置添加值
cities = ["London", "Vienna", "Rome"] cities.append("Seoul") print("After append:", cities) cities.insert(0, "Berlin") print("After insert:", cities)输出:
[‘London’, ‘Vienna’, ‘Rome’, ‘Seoul’] After insert: [‘Berlin’, ‘London’, ‘Vienna’, ‘Rome’, ‘Seoul’]19、Filter() 函数
mixed_number = [8, 15, 25, 30,34,67,90,5,12] filtered_value = filter(lambda x: x > 20, mixed_number) print(f"Before filter: {mixed_number}") print(f"After filter: {list(filtered_value)}")输出:
Before filter: [8, 15, 25, 30, 34, 67, 90, 5, 12] After filter: [25, 30, 34, 67, 90]20、创建一个没有参数个数限制的函数
def multiplication(*arguments): mul = 1 for i in arguments: mul = mul * i return mul print(multiplication(3, 4, 5)) print(multiplication(5, 8, 10, 3)) print(multiplication(8, 6, 15, 20, 5))输出:
60 1200 7200021、一次迭代两个或多个列表
capital = ['Vienna', 'Paris', 'Seoul',"Rome"] countries = ['Austria', 'France', 'South Korea',"Italy"] for cap, country in zip(capital, countries): print(f"{cap} is the capital of {country}")22、检查对象使用的内存大小
import sys mul = 5*6 print(sys.getsizeof(mul))23、 Map() 函数
map() 函数用于将特定函数应用于给定迭代器。
values_list = [8, 10, 6, 50] quotient = map(lambda x: x/2, values_list) print(f"Before division: {values_list}") print(f"After division: {list(quotient)}")24、计算 item 在列表中出现的次数
可以在 list 上调用 count 函数。
cities= ["Amsterdam", "Berlin", "New York", "Seoul", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Paris","Vienna","Paris"] print("Paris appears", cities.count("Paris"), "times in the list")25、在元组或列表中查找元素的索引
cities_tuple = ("Berlin", "Paris", 5, "Vienna", 10) print(cities_tuple.index("Paris")) cities_list = ['Vienna', 'Paris', 'Seoul',"Amsterdam"] print(cities_list.index("Amsterdam"))26、2个 set 进行 join 操作
set1 = {'Vienna', 'Paris', 'Seoul'} set2 = {"Tokyo", "Rome",'Amsterdam'} print(set1.union(set2))27、根据频率对列表的值进行排序
from collections import Counter count = Counter([7, 6, 5, 6, 8, 6, 6, 6]) print(count) print("Sort values according their frequency:", count.most_common())输出:
Counter({6: 5, 7: 1, 5: 1, 8: 1}) Sort values according their frequency: [(6, 5), (7, 1), (5, 1), (8, 1)]