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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2022-08-15
摘 要 在互联网信息技术时代中,企业管理更多的是使用管理系统进行智能化控制,提高单位的核心竞争力,适应快节奏的生产活动。现代企业人力资源管理系统是为企业提供的一整套

摘  要






In the era of Internet information technology, enterprise management is more intelligent control using management system to improve the core competitiveness of the unit and adapt to the fast-paced production activities. The human resource management system of small and medium-sized enterprises is a set of application software which is convenient for human resource management. It is the necessary system of enterprise management at present. Through the visit, many ready-made human resource management systems in the market can not meet the current situation of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Both the system architecture and the business process are relatively backward. Only by redeveloping a new set of human resource management system can we meet the needs of enterprises.

The human resource management system of small and medium-sized enterprises is based on Java, B / S structure is used, lightweight relational MySQL database is selected as the database, and H5, CSS3, JS and div technologies are used in the foreground of the system. The system includes three roles of administrator, manager and ordinary employee, which are respectively used for employee management, attendance management, salary management and leave management. This paper first describes the background and significance of human resource management system for small and medium-sized enterprises, and then analyzes the technology of the system, then analyzes the system requirements, functional design and system implementation, and finally carries out system testing to improve the system function and operation process.

Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, human resources, wage management, Java, database.

目  录

摘  要 II


第1章 引言 1

1.1 研究动机与目的 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

第2章 相关技术介绍 4

2.1 数据库技术 4

2.1.1数据库特性 4

2.1.2数据库管理工具 4

2.2 编程环境 5

2.3 B/S结构 6

2.4 MVC框架 6

第3章 需求分析 8

3.1 需求分析概述 8

3.2 系统需求分析 8

3.2.1非功能性需求 8

3.2.2功能需求 9

3.3 可行性分析 12

3.3.1操作可行性 12

3.3.2经济可行性 13

3.3.3技术可行性 13

3.4 系统开发环境需求 13

第4章 系统设计 14

4.1系统总体设计 14

4.1.1界面层设计 14

4.1.2数据层设计 14

4.1.3业务逻辑层设计 14

4.2系统功能设计 15

4.3 数据库设计 16

4.3.1ER图设计 16

4.3.2数据库表设计 17

第5章 系统实现 24

5.1系统主要技术实现 24

5.1.1三层结构的实现 24

5.1.2数据库操作 24

5.2系统登录 25

5.3系统主界面实现 26

5.4员工基本档案 27

5.5工资管理 28

5.6家庭成员管理 28

5.7员工职务管理 29

5.8请假信息管理 30

第6章 系统测试 32

6.1 测试环境 32

6.2 功能测试 32

6.3 测试结论 34

总 结 36

谢 辞 37

参考文献 38







