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解决Android Studio电脑不支持HAXM的问题

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-05-12
测试APP时出现以下错误信息: Intel HAXM is required to run this AVD. Your CPU does not support required features (VT-x or SVM). Unfortunately, your computer does not support hardware accelerated virtualization. Here are some of y


Intel HAXM is required to run this AVD.

Your CPU does not support required features (VT-x or SVM).

Unfortunately, your computer does not support hardware accelerated virtualization.
Here are some of your options:
 1) Use a physical device for testing
 2) Develop on a Windows/OSX computer with an Intel processor that supports VT-x and NX
 3) Develop on a Linux computer that supports VT-x or SVM
 4) Use an Android Virtual Device based on an ARM system image
   (This is 10x slower than hardware accelerated virtualization)




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