这个是CodeProject上的一篇文章:Microsoft Interop API to convert the .doc, .docx, .dot, .dotx and .xls,.xlsx, .rtf to HTML。该文介绍了一种通过Microsoft office Interop library转换word或excel文档为html的方法,这里
这个是CodeProject上的一篇文章:Microsoft Interop API to convert the .doc, .docx, .dot, .dotx and .xls,.xlsx, .rtf to HTML。该文介绍了一种通过Microsoft office Interop library转换word或excel文档为html的方法,这里转录一下,以供更多需要的人参考。
要使用Microsoft office Interop library库,首先得在电脑上安装Office,然后添加如下三个com组件的引用:
Microsoft Office Excel library.
Microsoft Office Word library
Microsoft Office object library
public static IConverter Converter(string fullFilePath, string fileToSave) { switch (Path.GetExtension(fullFilePath).ToLower()) { case ".doc": case ".docx": case ".dot": case ".dotx": case ".rtf": return new DocToHtml { FileToSave = fileToSave, FullFilePath = fullFilePath }; case ".xls": case ".xlsx": return new XlsToHtml { FileToSave = fileToSave, FullFilePath = fullFilePath }; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var converter = ConverterLocator.Converter(@"r:\1.xlsx", @"r:\1.html"); var html = converter.Convert(); }