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从0开始创建FX3工程之一 - 框架

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-02-04
我们一般都是在已有的工程上修改,添加新的功能,现在从0开始创建一个新的工程。 1. 创建工程 菜单栏,File-new-project- Cypress 点击next,进入下图: 输入项目名,点击finish即可。(有三


1. 创建工程 菜单栏,File-new-project- Cypress

从0开始创建FX3工程之一 - 框架_ide


从0开始创建FX3工程之一 - 框架_#include_02


2. 而后我们看到项目有三个文件,mekefile先不管,里面很多问题。

cyfxtx.c :This file provides the application specific exception handlers and memory allocation routines. 了解即可。不需要更改此文件。

cyfx_gcc_startup.S 是启动汇编代码,作用是初始化bss和堆栈等,最够跳入main函数(b main)。不需要更改此文件。

2. 下一步我们要做的就是创建main函数,并添加我们的功能代码了。

我们添加两个文件main.c main.h .


main.h :

#ifndef MAIN_H_#define MAIN_H_#include "cyu3types.h"#define THREAD_STACK (0x0200) /* App thread stack size */#define THREAD_PRIORITY (8) /* App thread priority */#endif /* MAIN_H_ */

main.c :

#include "cyu3system.h"#include "cyu3os.h"#include "cyu3error.h"#include "cyu3gpio.h"#include "cyu3uart.h"#include "cyu3utils.h"#include "main.h"CyU3PThread Thread1;CyU3PThread Thread2;voidThread1_Entry ( uint32_t input){ for (;;) { CyU3PThreadSleep (100); }}voidThread2_Entry ( uint32_t input){ for (;;) { CyU3PThreadSleep (100); }}/* Application define function which creates the application threads. */voidCyFxApplicationDefine ( void){//CyFxApplicationDefine用来创建线程的。此处我们创建2个线程 void *ptr = NULL; uint32_t ret = CY_U3P_ERROR_MEMORY_ERROR; // Create thread1 ptr = CyU3PMemAlloc (THREAD_STACK); if (ptr != NULL) { ret = CyU3PThreadCreate ( &Thread1, /* Thread structure. */ "Thread 1", /* Thread ID and name. */ Thread1_Entry, /* Thread entry function. */ 0, /* Thread input parameter. */ ptr, /* Pointer to the allocated thread stack. */ THREAD_STACK, /* Allocated thread stack size. */ THREAD_PRIORITY, /* Thread priority. */ THREAD_PRIORITY, /* Thread pre-emption threshold: No preemption. */ CYU3P_NO_TIME_SLICE, /* No time slice. */ CYU3P_AUTO_START /* Start the thread immediately. */ ); } else { ret = CY_U3P_ERROR_MEMORY_ERROR; } if (ret != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { goto InitFail; } // Create thread2 ptr = CyU3PMemAlloc (THREAD_STACK); if (ptr != NULL) { ret = CyU3PThreadCreate ( &Thread2, /* Thread structure. */ "Thread 2", /* Thread ID and name. */ Thread2_Entry, /* Thread entry function. */ 0, /* Thread input parameter. */ ptr, /* Pointer to the allocated thread stack. */ THREAD_STACK, /* Allocated thread stack size. */ THREAD_PRIORITY, /* Thread priority. */ THREAD_PRIORITY, /* Thread pre-emption threshold: No preemption. */ CYU3P_NO_TIME_SLICE, /* No time slice. */ CYU3P_AUTO_START /* Start the thread immediately. */ ); } else { ret = CY_U3P_ERROR_MEMORY_ERROR; } if (ret != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { goto InitFail; } return;InitFail: /* As the initialization failed, there is nothing much we can do. Just reset the device * so that we go back to the boot-loader. */ CyU3PDeviceReset (CyFalse);}intmain (void){ CyU3PIoMatrixConfig_t io_cfg; CyU3PReturnStatus_t status = CY_U3P_SUCCESS; /* Initialize the device */ //CPU时钟设置、VIC(向量中断控制器)初始化、设置PLLs(锁相环) //input clk = 19.2 M;SYS_CLK_PLL = 384M,/2.... // Start with the default clock at 384 MHz /* Initialize the device */ /* For default configuration, pass in NULL as parameter. This will set CPU divider * to 2 (~200MHz), DMA and MMIO dividers to 2 (~100MHz); and assume 32KHz standby * clock is supplied */ status = CyU3PDeviceInit (NULL); if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { goto handle_fatal_error; } /* Initialize the caches. Enable both Instruction and Data caches. */ //一般在有大数据处理的时候才会打开数据cache,如果是简单的处理打开了cache可能会降低整个系统的效率!cache size:8k. status = CyU3PDeviceCacheControl (CyTrue, CyTrue, CyTrue); if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { goto handle_fatal_error; } /* Configure the IO matrix for the device. */ CyU3PMemSet ((uint8_t *)&io_cfg, 0, sizeof(io_cfg)); io_cfg.isDQ32Bit = CyFalse; io_cfg.s0Mode = CY_U3P_SPORT_INACTIVE; io_cfg.s1Mode = CY_U3P_SPORT_INACTIVE; io_cfg.useUart = CyTrue; io_cfg.useI2C = CyFalse; io_cfg.useI2S = CyFalse; io_cfg.useSpi = CyFalse; io_cfg.lppMode = CY_U3P_IO_MATRIX_LPP_UART_ONLY; /* No GPIOs are enabled. */ io_cfg.gpioSimpleEn[0] = 0; io_cfg.gpioSimpleEn[1] = 0; io_cfg.gpioComplexEn[0] = 0; io_cfg.gpioComplexEn[1] = 0; status = CyU3PDeviceConfigureIOMatrix (&io_cfg); if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS) { goto handle_fatal_error; } /* This is a non returnable call for initializing the RTOS kernel */ CyU3PKernelEntry ();//执行到此会跳入: CyFxApplicationDefine(). /* Dummy return to make the compiler happy */ return 0;handle_fatal_error: /* Cannot recover from this error. */ while (1);}

此程序很简单,只是创建2个线程,线程里sleep。分别在两个线程的 CyU3PThreadSleep (100);添加断点,F6 单步调试会发现程序在两个线程之间循环执行。

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