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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-07-02
MyprojectusesomefontlikeArabiccharacter,Ialsoneedusestrokeonthefont.Ialreadytryso My project use some font like Arabic character, I also need use stroke on the font. I already try some way to display the Stroke, like : 我的项目使用像阿

My project use some font like Arabic character, I also need use stroke on the font. I already try some way to display the Stroke, like :


https://stackoverflow.com/a/9887123/1900498 (OuterTextBlock)

https://stackoverflow.com/a/97728/1900498 (OutlineText)

The Stroke can display now, but the problem is the Arabic character connection position still display some stroke, So I need to remove it.


the result like this: enter image description here


So Is there any way I can remove the stroke from the connection position? I mean If the character is connection, just stroke on the full connection outsize, not all character stroke 1 time.


I need the result like this(I'm using PHOTOSHOP to edit the second picture and remove the stroke from character connection position, not WPF, that is just for you understand the correct result must handle by WPF) enter image description here


UPDATE: please download the 2 class from the 2 link , then use This code :



1 个解决方案



Initial observations: The artifacts you are seeing seem to be the actual edges of the single characters. The characters touch and overlap slightly, while you would like to perceive several characters as one consecutive shape.


I have tried my suggestion from the comments by extending the OutlinedTextBlock class from the first linked answer by Kent Boogaart.

我已经从评论中尝试了我的建议,从Kent Boogaart的第一个链接答案中扩展了OutlinedTextBlock类。

The Geometry instance obtained by OutlinedTextBlock from the BuildGeometry method consists of nested GeometryGroup instances (at least, separate such groups are created when incorporating text with several reading directions). After diving through those groups, you will find one PathGeometry instance per character.


N.B.: This is what I figured out when looking at the data. It is probably undocumented (?), and if it ever changes, this solution may not work any more.


By using the Geometry.Combine method, all of these PathGeometry instances can be combined with GeometryCombineMode.Union, which means that overlapping areas will be merged.


First, I have defined a method for finding all the PathGeometry objects. It recursively dives into the hierarchy of GeometryGroup objects and is rather not very efficient, but it serves to demonstrate the point - feel free to optimize this performance-wise:

首先,我定义了一种查找所有PathGeometry对象的方法。它递归地潜入GeometryGroup对象的层次结构,而且效率不是很高,但它有助于证明这一点 - 随意优化这种性能:

private IEnumerable FindAllPathGeometries(Geometry geometry){ var pathGeometry = geometry as PathGeometry; if (pathGeometry != null) { yield return pathGeometry; } else { var geoGroup = geometry as GeometryGroup; if (geoGroup != null) { foreach (var geo in geoGroup.Children) { foreach (var pg in FindAllPathGeometries(geo)) { yield return pg; } } } }}

Then, I have modified the OutlinedTextBox.EnsureGeometry method. Originally, the geometry retrieved from BuildGeometry was directly displayed:


private void EnsureGeometry(){ if (this.textGeometry != null) { return; } this.EnsureFormattedText(); this.textGeometry = this.formattedText.BuildGeometry(new Point(0, 0));}

Instead, I now process that geometry by iterating over all of the contained PathGeometry instances and incrementally combining them with the Union mode. For the sake of convenience (and so you can actually observe the difference), I have made that behaviour optional by adding a MergeShapes property:


private void EnsureGeometry(){ if (this.textGeometry != null) { return; } this.EnsureFormattedText(); var originalGeometry = this.formattedText.BuildGeometry(new Point(0, 0)); if (MergeShapes) { PathGeometry newGeo = new PathGeometry(); foreach (var pg in FindAllPathGeometries(originalGeometry)) { newGeo = Geometry.Combine(newGeo, pg, GeometryCombineMode.Union, null); } this.textGeometry = newGeo; } else { this.textGeometry = originalGeometry; }}public static readonly DependencyProperty MergeShapesProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MergeShapes", typeof(bool), typeof(OutlinedTextBlock), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnFormattedTextUpdated));public bool MergeShapes { get { return (bool)GetValue(MergeShapesProperty); } set { SetValue(MergeShapesProperty, value); }}【文章原创作者:武汉网站制作公司 http://www.1234xp.com/wuhan.html 网络转载请说明出处】