private void saveToDatabase( float[] tempValues ) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); // WM: TODO: add patient id and sensor type for (float tempVal : tempValues){ values.put( DataTable.COLUMN_DATA, tempVal ); } ContentValues[] cvArray = new ContentValues[1]; cvArray[0] = values; ContentResolver resolver = getContentResolver(); resolver.bulkInsert( HealthDevContentProvider.CONTENT_URI_DATA, cvArray); public int bulkInsert(Uri uri, ContentValues[] values){ int numInserted = 0; String table = null; int uriType = sURIMatcher.match(uri); switch (uriType) { case RAWINPUT_TABLE: table = RAWINPUT_TABLE_PATH; break; } db.beginTransaction(); try { for (ContentValues cv : values) { long newID = db.insertOrThrow(table, null, cv); if (newID <= 0) { throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri); } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); numInserted = values.length; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } return numInserted; }我知道这将是粗鲁的,但只是丢掉这段代码.提供程序具有处理大多数SQLite操作的主要方法,并且您尝试将其中的三个(insert(),bulkInsert()和applyBatch())混合到某种类型的Frankenstein中.以下是主要错误:
2)正如@Karakuri记得的那样,cvArray中只有一个ContentValues实例. bulkInsert()doc说明了它的第二个参数:
An array of sets of column_name/value pairs to add to the database. This must not be null.
if (newId <= 0) { throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri); }
5)最后,有一个关于numInserted @petey指向的问题(并且没有必要重复).
最后一条建议:忘记bulkInsert()存在.我知道这将需要更多行代码,但使用applyBatch()可以获得更好的结果(更容易,因为您不必实现它). Wolfram Rittmeyer写了一系列关于交易的优秀文章,检查你是否有任何疑问.
@Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { final SQLiteDatabase db // TODO: retrieve writable database final int match = matcher.match(uri); switch(match) { case RAWINPUT_TABLE: long id = db.insert(RAWINPUT_TABLE, null, values); // TODO: add catch block to deal. getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null, false); return ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, id); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown uri: " + uri); } } private void saveToDatabase( float[] tempValues ) { ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> operations = new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>(); for (float tempVal : tempValues){ operations.add(ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(HealthDevContentProvider.CONTENT_URI_DATA) .withValue(DataTable.COLUMN_DATA, tempVal).build(); .withValue() // TODO: add patient id .withValue() // TODO: add sensor type); } // WARNING!! Provider operations (except query if you are using loaders) happen by default in the main thread!! getContentResolver().applyBatch(operations); }