首先,我检查了这个 question,但 answer指的是过时的服务。 那么是否有一个基于网络(或软件,我不在乎),提供搜索互联网内容与正则表达式? 让我在这里写一个来自superuser.com question的
让我在这里写一个来自superuser.com question的答案,由于我完全声援作者:quote from the 07001:
The only possible way to make keyword searching efficient over hundreds of terabytes (or whatever their index is up to these days) is to precompute an index of words.
In fact a full regex engine is turing-complete, and you can write arbitrary regexps that will gobble up near infinite amounts of CPU time and memory. For all these reasons it would be technical insanity for them to offer regex searching to the general public.