1 内容介绍
This paper presents high-fidelity solutions of the fluid-structure-jet interaction problem for slender high-speed vehicles along with two jet interaction modeling methods, one semiempirical and one CFD-based, to approximate the high-fidelity solution. The high-fidelity solutions of a representative high-speed vehicle with jet interaction and structural deformation show that the resultant loads are affected by the deformation. The semi-empirical jet interaction model is developed using previous work in the literature and approximates the main features of the jet interaction solution when compared to numerical and experimental results. The CFD-based jet interaction model is developed by using data-fusion of a previously developed aerodynamic loads surrogate, the semi-empirical jet interaction model, and CFD solutions of the jet interaction. This data-fusion model approximates the surface pressure of a representative high-speed vehicle with varying flow, structure, and jet parameters and can be used within a flight simulation framework. Overall, the work demonstrates a need to model the fluid-structure-jet interaction of high-speed vehicles and modeling methods that may be used to approximate the full solution
2 部分代码
function [ dmodel, dmc, dmd ] = cokriging2( sc0, yc0, se0, ye0, regr, corr, lb, ub)
% CoKriging
smean = mean([sc0; se0]);
sstd = std([sc0; se0]);
ymean = mean([yc0; ye0]);
ystd = std([yc0; ye0]);
sc = (sc0 - repmat(smean,size(sc0,1),1))./repmat(sstd,size(sc0,1),1);
se = (se0 - repmat(smean,size(se0,1),1))./repmat(sstd,size(se0,1),1);
yc = (yc0 - repmat(ymean,size(yc0,1),1))./repmat(ystd,size(yc0,1),1);
ye = (ye0 - repmat(ymean,size(ye0,1),1))./repmat(ystd,size(ye0,1),1);
dmodel.smean = smean;
dmodel.sstd = sstd;
dmodel.ymean = ymean;
dmodel.ystd = ystd;
opts = optimset('fmincon');
opts.Display = 'off';
opts2 = optimset('fminbnd');
opts2.Display = 'off';
nc = length(sc);
ne = length(se);
th0 = 10^(mean(log10([ub, lb])))*ones(1,size(lb,2));
dmc = dacefit(sc,yc,regr,corr, th0, lb, ub);
fprintf('dmc.theta = % .2g\n', dmc.theta)
yc_e = predictor(se,dmc);
p0 = yc_e\ye;
[u0,s0,v0] = svd(p0);
p = u0*v0';
d = ye - yc_e*p;
dmd = dacefit(se,d,regr,corr, ub, lb, ub);
fprintf('dmd.theta = % .2g\n', dmd.theta)
dmodel.p = p;
dmodel.dmc = dmc;
dmodel.dmd = dmd;
function [cost] = getp(se,yc_e,ye,lb,ub,p,opts)
d = ye - p*yc_e;
dmd = dacefit(se, d, @regpoly0, @corrgauss, lb, lb, ub);
psidee = dmd.C;
cost = ne/2*log(dmd.sigma2) + 1/2*log(abs(det(psidee)));
3 运行结果
4 参考文献
[1] Kitson R , Cesnik C E . High Speed Vehicle Fluid-Structure-Jet Interaction Analysis and Modeling[C]// Aiaa/asce/ahs/asc Structures, Structural Dynamics, & Materials Conference. 0.