- 一、背景
- 二、App端Crash注册
- 2.1 commonInit()
- 2.2 KillApplicationHandler 类
- 2.2.1 ensureLogging()
- 2.2.2 ApplicationErrorReport
- 三、AMS端处理崩溃逻辑
- 3.1 AMS.handleApplicationCrash
- 3.1.1 AMS.handleApplicationCrashInner()
- 3.2 addErrorToDropBox()
- 3.3 AppErrors.crashApplication()
- 3.3.1 AppErrors.crashApplicationInner()
- 3.4 makeAppCrashingLocked()
- 3.4.1 ProcessRecord.startAppProblemLocked()
- 3.4.2 WindowProcessController.stopFreezingActivities()
- 3.4.3 handleAppCrashLocked()
- 3.5 小结
- 四、 mUiHandler发送 SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG
- 4.1 handleShowAppErrorUi()
- 4.2 Process.killProcess()
- 五、Binder服务死亡通知
- 5.1 AMS.attachApplicationLocked()
- 5.2 AppDeathRecipient.binderDied()
- 5.2.1 appDiedLocked()
- 5.2.2 handleAppDiedLocked()
- 5.3 cleanUpApplicationRecordLocked()
- 5.4 atms.handleAppDied()
- 小结
当Android系统发生native crash
时,在日志台打印日志和生成tombstone_xxx文件,会通过 socket
通知 AMS 从而进入到Java crash侧 处理流程中。 同时,当发生Java crash
时,系统会捕捉到该crash,从而也进入到Java crash的处理流程。
由此可见,Java crash
处理流程是非常重要的。 native crash流程上篇文章已经分析过了,今天再来看看Java crash的处理流程。
2.1 commonInit()
@UnsupportedAppUsage protected static final void commonInit() { if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "Entered RuntimeInit!"); LoggingHandler loggingHandler = new LoggingHandler(); RuntimeHooks.setUncaughtExceptionPreHandler(loggingHandler); // 注册处理器 Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new KillApplicationHandler(loggingHandler)); }
杀掉App进程的处理器 KillApplicationHandler
2.2 KillApplicationHandler 类
private static class KillApplicationHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler { private final LoggingHandler mLoggingHandler; /** * Create a new KillApplicationHandler that follows the given LoggingHandler. * If {@link #uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) uncaughtException} is called * on the created instance without {@code loggingHandler} having been triggered, * {@link LoggingHandler#uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) * loggingHandler.uncaughtException} will be called first. * * @param loggingHandler the {@link LoggingHandler} expected to have run before * this instance's {@link #uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) uncaughtException} * is being called. */ public KillApplicationHandler(LoggingHandler loggingHandler) { this.mLoggingHandler = Objects.requireNonNull(loggingHandler); } @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { try { // 在日志台打印崩溃时的日志 ensureLogging(t, e); // Don't re-enter -- avoid infinite loops if crash-reporting crashes. if (mCrashing) return; mCrashing = true; // Try to end profiling. If a profiler is running at this point, and we kill the // process (below), the in-memory buffer will be lost. So try to stop, which will // flush the buffer. (This makes method trace profiling useful to debug crashes.) if (ActivityThread.currentActivityThread() != null) { ActivityThread.currentActivityThread().stopProfiling(); } // Bring up crash dialog, wait for it to be dismissed //弹出奔溃对话框 ActivityManager.getService().handleApplicationCrash( mApplicationObject, new ApplicationErrorReport.ParcelableCrashInfo(e)); } catch (Throwable t2) { if (t2 instanceof DeadObjectException) { // System process is dead; ignore } else { try { Clog_e(TAG, "Error reporting crash", t2); } catch (Throwable t3) { // Even Clog_e() fails! Oh well. } } } finally { // Try everything to make sure this process goes away. // 最终关闭kill调进程 Process.killProcess(Process.myPid()); System.exit(10); } } private void ensureLogging(Thread t, Throwable e) { if (!mLoggingHandler.mTriggered) { try { mLoggingHandler.uncaughtException(t, e); } catch (Throwable loggingThrowable) { // Ignored. } } } }
- 在日志台打印崩溃日志
- 调用 AMS的handleApplicationCrash()方法
- 在finally中杀掉App进程
2.2.1 ensureLogging()
内部调用了 LoggingHandler.uncaughtException()
方法。LoggingHandler 也实现了 Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler接口。 重写了 uncaughtException() 方法。
private static class LoggingHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler { public volatile boolean mTriggered = false; @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { mTriggered = true; // Don't re-enter if KillApplicationHandler has already run if (mCrashing) return; // mApplicationObject is null for non-zygote java programs (e.g. "am") // There are also apps running with the system UID. We don't want the // first clause in either of these two cases, only for system_server. if (mApplicationObject == null && (Process.SYSTEM_UID == Process.myUid())) { Clog_e(TAG, "*** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: " + t.getName(), e); } else { // 准备拼接 FATAL EXCEPTION ,打印到控制台 StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); // // The "FATAL EXCEPTION" string is still used on Android even though // apps can set a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler that renders uncaught // exceptions non-fatal. message.append("FATAL EXCEPTION: ").append(t.getName()).append("\n"); final String processName = ActivityThread.currentProcessName(); if (processName != null) { // 拼上进程名字 message.append("Process: ").append(processName).append(", "); } // 进程id message.append("PID: ").append(Process.myPid()); // 打印message和 e异常信息 Clog_e(TAG, message.toString(), e); } } }
因此,可以通过过滤出 FATAL
2.2.2 ApplicationErrorReport
new ApplicationErrorReport.ParcelableCrashInfo(e) 创建了一个crashinfo对象。 这个对象其实就是从throwable中 解析得到的。
3.1 AMS.handleApplicationCrash
public void handleApplicationCrash(IBinder app, ApplicationErrorReport.ParcelableCrashInfo crashInfo) { //找到 ProcessRecord对象 ProcessRecord r = findAppProcess(app, "Crash"); // app=null,表示system_server进程 final String processName = app == null ? "system_server" : (r == null ? "unknown" : r.processName); handleApplicationCrashInner("crash", r, processName, crashInfo); }
该方法是 RuntimeInit
用来上报app崩溃时调用。 当这个方法返回后,App进程将会退出。
- 找出崩溃进程对应的 ProcessRecord对象,如果app为空,则是system server进程。
- 继续调用
3.1.1 AMS.handleApplicationCrashInner()
/* Native crash reporting uses this inner version because it needs to be somewhat * decoupled from the AM-managed cleanup lifecycle */ void handleApplicationCrashInner(String eventType, ProcessRecord r, String processName, ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo crashInfo) { // ... final int relaunchReason = r == null ? RELAUNCH_REASON_NONE : r.getWindowProcessController().computeRelaunchReason(); final String relaunchReasonString = relaunchReasonToString(relaunchReason); if (crashInfo.crashTag == null) { crashInfo.crashTag = relaunchReasonString; } else { crashInfo.crashTag = crashInfo.crashTag + " " + relaunchReasonString; } // 1 写入崩溃信息到Dropbox addErrorToDropBox( eventType, r, processName, null, null, null, null, null, null, crashInfo); // 2 调用mAppErrors 的crashApplication方法 mAppErrors.crashApplication(r, crashInfo); }
这个方法不仅Java crash
回调,Native crash也会
通过AMS的之前注册的socket服务,调用到这里。可以参考Native crash流程。
- 写入崩溃信息到
- 继续调用 mAppErrors 的
3.2 addErrorToDropBox()
的描述写到drop box中。
public void addErrorToDropBox(String eventType, ProcessRecord process, String processName, String activityShortComponentName, String parentShortComponentName, ProcessRecord parentProcess, String subject, final String report, final File dataFile, final ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo crashInfo) { // Bail early if not published yet if (ServiceManager.getService(Context.DROPBOX_SERVICE) == null) return; // 获取 DBMS服务 final DropBoxManager dbox = mContext.getSystemService(DropBoxManager.class); // Exit early if the dropbox isn't configured to accept this report type. // 确定错误类型 final String dropboxTag = processClass(process) + "_" + eventType; if (dbox == null || !dbox.isTagEnabled(dropboxTag)) return; // Rate-limit how often we're willing to do the heavy lifting below to // collect and record logs; currently 5 logs per 10 second period. final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (now - mWtfClusterStart > 10 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS) { mWtfClusterStart = now; mWtfClusterCount = 1; } else { if (mWtfClusterCount++ >= 5) return; } // 开始拼接错误信息 final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); appendDropBoxProcessHeaders(process, processName, sb); if (process != null) { // 是否前台 sb.append("Foreground: ") .append(process.isInterestingToUserLocked() ? "Yes" : "No") .append("\n"); } if (activityShortComponentName != null) { sb.append("Activity: ").append(activityShortComponentName).append("\n"); } if (parentShortComponentName != null) { if (parentProcess != null && parentProcess.pid != process.pid) { sb.append("Parent-Process: ").append(parentProcess.processName).append("\n"); } if (!parentShortComponentName.equals(activityShortComponentName)) { sb.append("Parent-Activity: ").append(parentShortComponentName).append("\n"); } } if (subject != null) { sb.append("Subject: ").append(subject).append("\n"); } sb.append("Build: ").append(Build.FINGERPRINT).append("\n"); if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { sb.append("Debugger: Connected\n"); } if (crashInfo != null && crashInfo.crashTag != null && !crashInfo.crashTag.isEmpty()) { sb.append("Crash-Tag: ").append(crashInfo.crashTag).append("\n"); } sb.append("\n"); // Do the rest in a worker thread to avoid blocking the caller on I/O // (After this point, we shouldn't access AMS internal data structures.) // dump错误信息 Thread worker = new Thread("Error dump: " + dropboxTag) { @Override public void run() { if (report != null) { sb.append(report); } String setting = Settings.Global.ERROR_LOGCAT_PREFIX + dropboxTag; int lines = Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), setting, 0); int maxDataFileSize = DROPBOX_MAX_SIZE - sb.length() - lines * RESERVED_BYTES_PER_LOGCAT_LINE; if (dataFile != null && maxDataFileSize > 0) { try { sb.append(FileUtils.readTextFile(dataFile, maxDataFileSize, "\n\n[[TRUNCATED]]")); } catch (IOException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Error reading " + dataFile, e); } } if (crashInfo != null && crashInfo.stackTrace != null) { sb.append(crashInfo.stackTrace); } if (lines > 0) { sb.append("\n"); // Merge several logcat streams, and take the last N lines InputStreamReader input = null; try { java.lang.Process logcat = new ProcessBuilder( "/system/bin/timeout", "-k", "15s", "10s", "/system/bin/logcat", "-v", "threadtime", "-b", "events", "-b", "system", "-b", "main", "-b", "crash", "-t", String.valueOf(lines)) .redirectErrorStream(true).start(); try { logcat.getOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) {} try { logcat.getErrorStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) {} input = new InputStreamReader(logcat.getInputStream()); int num; char[] buf = new char[8192]; while ((num = input.read(buf)) > 0) sb.append(buf, 0, num); } catch (IOException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "Error running logcat", e); } finally { if (input != null) try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } } dbox.addText(dropboxTag, sb.toString()); } }; if (process == null) { // If process is null, we are being called from some internal code // and may be about to die -- run this synchronously. final int oldMask = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskWritesMask(); try { // 直接在当前线程执行 worker.run(); } finally { StrictMode.setThreadPolicyMask(oldMask); } } else { // 开个新的线程执行 worker.start(); } }
dropbox是system-server进程在 StartOtherServices中注册的服务DropBoxManager。它会记录系统的关键log信息,用来debug 调试。在ServiceManager 中的注册名字为 dropbox。 dropbox服务的数据保存在 /data/system/dropbox/中。
dropbox 支持保存的错误类型为:
- anr 进程发生未响应
- watchdog 进程触发watchdog
- crash 进程发生java崩溃
- native_crash 进程发生native崩溃
- wtf 进程发生严重错误
- lowmem 进程内存不足
写入到Dropbox文件后,继续看看 AppErrors.crashApplication()方法:
3.3 AppErrors.crashApplication()
void crashApplication(ProcessRecord r, ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo crashInfo) { final int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid(); final int callingUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { crashApplicationInner(r, crashInfo, callingPid, callingUid); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId); } }
3.3.1 AppErrors.crashApplicationInner()
void crashApplicationInner(ProcessRecord r, ApplicationErrorReport.CrashInfo crashInfo, int callingPid, int callingUid) { long timeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); String shortMsg = crashInfo.exceptionClassName; String longMsg = crashInfo.exceptionMessage; String stackTrace = crashInfo.stackTrace; if (shortMsg != null && longMsg != null) { longMsg = shortMsg + ": " + longMsg; } else if (shortMsg != null) { longMsg = shortMsg; } // ... final int relaunchReason = r != null ? r.getWindowProcessController().computeRelaunchReason() : RELAUNCH_REASON_NONE; AppErrorResult result = new AppErrorResult(); int taskId; synchronized (mService) { // ... // If we can't identify the process or it's already exceeded its crash quota, // quit right away without showing a crash dialog. // 继续调用 makeAppCrashingLocked() if (r == null || !makeAppCrashingLocked(r, shortMsg, longMsg, stackTrace, data)) { return; } AppErrorDialog.Data data = new AppErrorDialog.Data(); data.result = result; data.proc = r; final Message msg = Message.obtain(); msg.what = ActivityManagerService.SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG; taskId = data.taskId; msg.obj = data; // 发送消息,弹出crash对话框,等待用户选择 mService.mUiHandler.sendMessage(msg); } // 得到用户选择结果 int res = result.get(); Intent appErrorIntent = null; MetricsLogger.action(mContext, MetricsProto.MetricsEvent.ACTION_APP_CRASH, res); // 如果是超时或者取消,则当成是强制退出 if (res == AppErrorDialog.TIMEOUT || res == AppErrorDialog.CANCEL) { res = AppErrorDialog.FORCE_QUIT; } synchronized (mService) { if (res == AppErrorDialog.MUTE) { stopReportingCrashesLocked(r); } // 如果是重新启动 if (res == AppErrorDialog.RESTART) { mService.mProcessList.removeProcessLocked(r, false, true, "crash"); if (taskId != INVALID_TASK_ID) { try { //1. 从最近的任务列表中找到崩溃进程,再次启动 mService.startActivityFromRecents(taskId, ActivityOptions.makeBasic().toBundle()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Hmm...that didn't work. Task should either be in recents or associated // with a stack. Slog.e(TAG, "Could not restart taskId=" + taskId, e); } } } // 如果是退出 if (res == AppErrorDialog.FORCE_QUIT) { long orig = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { // Kill it with fire! // 杀掉这个进程 mService.mAtmInternal.onHandleAppCrash(r.getWindowProcessController()); if (!r.isPersistent()) { mService.mProcessList.removeProcessLocked(r, false, false, "crash"); mService.mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities(false /* scheduleIdle */); } } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(orig); } } // 如果是显示应用信息 if (res == AppErrorDialog.APP_INFO) { appErrorIntent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS); appErrorIntent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + r.info.packageName)); appErrorIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); } if (res == AppErrorDialog.FORCE_QUIT_AND_REPORT) { appErrorIntent = createAppErrorIntentLocked(r, timeMillis, crashInfo); } if (r != null && !r.isolated && res != AppErrorDialog.RESTART) { // XXX Can't keep track of crash time for isolated processes, // since they don't have a persistent identity. mProcessCrashTimes.put(r.info.processName, r.uid, SystemClock.uptimeMillis()); } } if (appErrorIntent != null) { try { // 2. 启动一个系统页面的intent 来显示应用信息 mContext.startActivityAsUser(appErrorIntent, new UserHandle(r.userId)); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "bug report receiver dissappeared", e); } } }
继续调用 makeAppCrashingLocked()
- 如果选择重新启动,则从最近任务列表中找到崩溃进程,再次拉起
- 如果选择强制退出,则杀掉app,进入kill流程
- 如果选择显示应用信息,则启动系统页面的intent,打开应用详情页面
我们先来看看 makeAppCrashingLocked()
3.4 makeAppCrashingLocked()
private boolean makeAppCrashingLocked(ProcessRecord app, String shortMsg, String longMsg, String stackTrace, AppErrorDialog.Data data) { app.setCrashing(true); // 封装崩溃信息到 ProcessErrorStateInfo 中 app.crashingReport = generateProcessError(app, ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo.CRASHED, null, shortMsg, longMsg, stackTrace); // 获取当前user的 error receiver;停止广播接收 app.startAppProblemLocked(); // 停是冻结屏幕 app.getWindowProcessController().stopFreezingActivities(); // 继续调用 handleAppCrashLocked return handleAppCrashLocked(app, "force-crash" /*reason*/, shortMsg, longMsg, stackTrace, data); }
- 封装崩溃信息到 ProcessErrorStateInfo 中
- 获取当前user的 error receiver;停止广播接收
- 停是冻结屏幕
- 继续调用 handleAppCrashLocked()
3.4.1 ProcessRecord.startAppProblemLocked()
void startAppProblemLocked() { // If this app is not running under the current user, then we can't give it a report button // because that would require launching the report UI under a different user. errorReportReceiver = null; for (int userId : mService.mUserController.getCurrentProfileIds()) { if (this.userId == userId) { // 找到当前用户的error receiver errorReportReceiver = ApplicationErrorReport.getErrorReportReceiver( mService.mContext, info.packageName, info.flags); } } // 停止接收广播 mService.skipCurrentReceiverLocked(this); } // void skipCurrentReceiverLocked(ProcessRecord app) { for (BroadcastQueue queue : mBroadcastQueues) { queue.skipCurrentReceiverLocked(app); } } private void skipReceiverLocked(BroadcastRecord r) { logBroadcastReceiverDiscardLocked(r); // 停止广播接收 finishReceiverLocked(r, r.resultCode, r.resultData, r.resultExtras, r.resultAbort, false); scheduleBroadcastsLocked(); }
- 找到当前用户的error receiver 最终会返回 注册 Intent.ACTION_APP_ERROR的ActivityComponent。
- 停止接收广播
3.4.2 WindowProcessController.stopFreezingActivities()
public void stopFreezingActivities() { synchronized (mAtm.mGlobalLock) { int i = mActivities.size(); while (i > 0) { i--; // mActivities存储的类型为 ActivityRecord mActivities.get(i).stopFreezingScreenLocked(true); } } }
public void stopFreezingScreenLocked(boolean force) { if (force || frozenBeforeDestroy) { frozenBeforeDestroy = false; if (mAppWindowToken == null) { return; } mAppWindowToken.stopFreezingScreen(true, force); } }
最终调到 AMS的 stopFreezingDisplayLocked() 方法来冻结屏幕。
3.4.3 handleAppCrashLocked()
boolean handleAppCrashLocked(ProcessRecord app, String reason, String shortMsg, String longMsg, String stackTrace, AppErrorDialog.Data data) { final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); final boolean showBackground = Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANR_SHOW_BACKGROUND, 0) != 0; final boolean procIsBoundForeground = (app.getCurProcState() == ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE); // 确定崩溃的时间 Long crashTime; Long crashTimePersistent; boolean tryAgain = false; if (!app.isolated) { crashTime = mProcessCrashTimes.get(app.info.processName, app.uid); crashTimePersistent = mProcessCrashTimesPersistent.get(app.info.processName, app.uid); } else { crashTime = crashTimePersistent = null; } // Bump up the crash count of any services currently running in the proc. // 增加ServiceRecord中crashCount for (int i = app.services.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Any services running in the application need to be placed // back in the pending list. ServiceRecord sr = app.services.valueAt(i); // If the service was restarted a while ago, then reset crash count, else increment it. if (now > sr.restartTime + ProcessList.MIN_CRASH_INTERVAL) { sr.crashCount = 1; } else { sr.crashCount++; } // Allow restarting for started or bound foreground services that are crashing. // This includes wallpapers. if (sr.crashCount < mService.mConstants.BOUND_SERVICE_MAX_CRASH_RETRY && (sr.isForeground || procIsBoundForeground)) { tryAgain = true; } } // 同一个进程,如果连续两次崩溃的间隔小于 一分钟,则认为崩溃过于频繁 if (crashTime != null && now < crashTime + ProcessList.MIN_CRASH_INTERVAL) { // The process crashed again very quickly. If it was a bound foreground service, let's // try to restart again in a while, otherwise the process loses! Slog.w(TAG, "Process " + app.info.processName + " has crashed too many times: killing!"); EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_PROCESS_CRASHED_TOO_MUCH, app.userId, app.info.processName, app.uid); // 2.8.1 回调 atm的onHandleAppCrash mService.mAtmInternal.onHandleAppCrash(app.getWindowProcessController()); if (!app.isPersistent()) { // 如果不是persistent进程,则不再重启,除非用户主动触发 // We don't want to start this process again until the user // explicitly does so... but for persistent process, we really // need to keep it running. If a persistent process is actually // repeatedly crashing, then badness for everyone. if (!app.isolated) { // XXX We don't have a way to mark isolated processes // as bad, since they don't have a peristent identity. mBadProcesses.put(app.info.processName, app.uid, new BadProcessInfo(now, shortMsg, longMsg, stackTrace)); mProcessCrashTimes.remove(app.info.processName, app.uid); } app.bad = true; app.removed = true; // Don't let services in this process be restarted and potentially // annoy the user repeatedly. Unless it is persistent, since those // processes run critical code. // 移除进程中的所有服务 mService.mProcessList.removeProcessLocked(app, false, tryAgain, "crash"); // 恢复顶部的activity mService.mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities(false /* scheduleIdle */); if (!showBackground) { return false; } } mService.mAtmInternal.resumeTopActivities(false /* scheduleIdle */); } else { // 不是一分钟内连续崩溃 final int affectedTaskId = mService.mAtmInternal.finishTopCrashedActivities( app.getWindowProcessController(), reason); if (data != null) { data.taskId = affectedTaskId; } if (data != null && crashTimePersistent != null && now < crashTimePersistent + ProcessList.MIN_CRASH_INTERVAL) { data.repeating = true; } } if (data != null && tryAgain) { data.isRestartableForService = true; } // If the crashing process is what we consider to be the "home process" and it has been // replaced by a third-party app, clear the package preferred activities from packages // with a home activity running in the process to prevent a repeatedly crashing app // from blocking the user to manually clear the list. final WindowProcessController proc = app.getWindowProcessController(); final WindowProcessController homeProc = mService.mAtmInternal.getHomeProcess(); if (proc == homeProc && proc.hasActivities() && (((ProcessRecord) homeProc.mOwner).info.flags & FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) { proc.clearPackagePreferredForHomeActivities(); } if (!app.isolated) { // XXX Can't keep track of crash times for isolated processes, // because they don't have a persistent identity. mProcessCrashTimes.put(app.info.processName, app.uid, now); mProcessCrashTimesPersistent.put(app.info.processName, app.uid, now); } // 如果 app的crashHandler存在,则交给其处理 if (app.crashHandler != null) mService.mHandler.post(app.crashHandler); return true; }
增加 ServiceRecord
- 调用
方法 - 如果不是persistent进程,则不再重启,除非用户主动触发
- 移除进程中的所有服务,且不再重启
- 恢复栈顶的activity
- 不是连续崩溃,则记录崩溃受影响的taskid
- 如果 app的crashHandler存在,则交给其处理
@Override public void onHandleAppCrash(WindowProcessController wpc) { synchronized (mGlobalLock) { mRootActivityContainer.handleAppCrash(wpc); } } //RootActivityContainer.java void handleAppCrash(WindowProcessController app) { // 遍历所有的ActivityDisplay for (int displayNdx = mActivityDisplays.size() - 1; displayNdx >= 0; --displayNdx) { final ActivityDisplay display = mActivityDisplays.get(displayNdx); // 遍历ActivityDisplay中管理的所有 ActivityStack for (int stackNdx = display.getChildCount() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { // 获取activity stack对象 final ActivityStack stack = display.getChildAt(stackNdx); stack.handleAppCrash(app); } } } >ActivityStack.java void handleAppCrash(WindowProcessController app) { // 循环ActivityStack中管理的 TaskRecord for (int taskNdx = mTaskHistory.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { // 得到 TaskRecord中管理的所有 ActivityRecord集合 final ArrayList<ActivityRecord> activities = mTaskHistory.get(taskNdx).mActivities; // 遍历 ActivityRecord集合,得到每一个 ActivityRecord对象 for (int activityNdx = activities.size() - 1; activityNdx >= 0; --activityNdx) { final ActivityRecord r = activities.get(activityNdx); // 如果是崩溃的进程,则销毁activity if (r.app == app) { // Force the destroy to skip right to removal. r.app = null; // getDisplay().mDisplayContent.prepareAppTransition( TRANSIT_CRASHING_ACTIVITY_CLOSE, false /* alwaysKeepCurrent */); // finish销毁当前activity finishCurrentActivityLocked(r, FINISH_IMMEDIATELY, false, "handleAppCrashedLocked"); } } } }
- 遍历所有ActivityDisplay,得到ActivityDisplay对象 display
- 然后在遍历display中的所有 ActivityStack对象,stack
- 再遍历 stack中所有的 TaskRecord对象,record
- 在遍历record中的所有 ActivityRecord对象,如果属于崩溃进程则销毁它
3.5 小结
- 把崩溃信息通过 DBS 服务,写入到Dropbox文件中。dropbox支持错误类型:
- 停止崩溃进程接收广播;增加ServiceRecord中的crashcount数;销毁所有的activies;
- 弹出崩溃对话框,等待用户选择 3.1. 如果选择重新启动,则从最近任务列表中找到崩溃进程,再次拉起 3.2. 如果选择强制退出,则杀掉app,进入kill流程 3.3. 如果选择显示应用信息,则启动系统页面的intent,打开应用详情页面
中,当处理完 makeAppCrashingLocked()
方法逻辑后,会通过AMS的 mUiHandler
发送 SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG 弹出 对话框。
四、 mUiHandler发送 SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG
final class UiHandler extends Handler { public UiHandler() { super(com.android.server.UiThread.get().getLooper(), null, true); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case SHOW_ERROR_UI_MSG: { mAppErrors.handleShowAppErrorUi(msg); ensureBootCompleted(); } break; // ...
4.1 handleShowAppErrorUi()
void handleShowAppErrorUi(Message msg) { AppErrorDialog.Data data = (AppErrorDialog.Data) msg.obj; boolean showBackground = Settings.Secure.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANR_SHOW_BACKGROUND, 0) != 0; AppErrorDialog dialogToShow = null; final String packageName; final int userId; synchronized (mService) { // 获取进程信息 final ProcessRecord proc = data.proc; final AppErrorResult res = data.result; if (proc == null) { Slog.e(TAG, "handleShowAppErrorUi: proc is null"); return; } packageName = proc.info.packageName; userId = proc.userId; // 如果已经有对话框,则不再弹出 if (proc.crashDialog != null) { Slog.e(TAG, "App already has crash dialog: " + proc); if (res != null) { res.set(AppErrorDialog.ALREADY_SHOWING); } return; } boolean isBackground = (UserHandle.getAppId(proc.uid) >= Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID && proc.pid != MY_PID); for (int profileId : mService.mUserController.getCurrentProfileIds()) { isBackground &= (userId != profileId); } if (isBackground && !showBackground) { Slog.w(TAG, "Skipping crash dialog of " + proc + ": background"); if (res != null) { res.set(AppErrorDialog.BACKGROUND_USER); } return; } final boolean showFirstCrash = Settings.Global.getInt( mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.SHOW_FIRST_CRASH_DIALOG, 0) != 0; final boolean showFirstCrashDevOption = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser( mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.SHOW_FIRST_CRASH_DIALOG_DEV_OPTION, 0, mService.mUserController.getCurrentUserId()) != 0; final boolean crashSilenced = mAppsNotReportingCrashes != null && mAppsNotReportingCrashes.contains(proc.info.packageName); if ((mService.mAtmInternal.canShowErrorDialogs() || showBackground) && !crashSilenced && (showFirstCrash || showFirstCrashDevOption || data.repeating)) { // 创建对话框,5分钟超时等待,超时后自动关闭 proc.crashDialog = dialogToShow = new AppErrorDialog(mContext, mService, data); } else { // The device is asleep, so just pretend that the user // saw a crash dialog and hit "force quit". if (res != null) { res.set(AppErrorDialog.CANT_SHOW); } } } // If we've created a crash dialog, show it without the lock held if (dialogToShow != null) { Slog.i(TAG, "Showing crash dialog for package " + packageName + " u" + userId); // 弹出对话框 dialogToShow.show(); } }
- 如果用户选择应用信息,则展示应用的运行信息
- 如果选择关闭应用,则执行杀应用流程
- 如果不选择,5分钟后自动关闭。
finally { // Try everything to make sure this process goes away. // 最终关闭kill掉进程 Process.killProcess(Process.myPid()); System.exit(10); }
4.2 Process.killProcess()
public static final void killProcess(int pid) { sendSignal(pid, SIGNAL_KILL); } public static final native void sendSignal(int pid, int signal);
给指定的进程发送一个 SIGNAL_KILL
至此,应用进程已经被杀死,但是还没完。因为system server进程中有注册Binder服务的死亡监听。当App进程死亡后,会回调到AMS 的死亡监听中,此时还需要处理Binder死亡通知回调逻辑。
还记得在创建进程的过程中,ActivityThread会调用AMS的 attachApplication()
, 内部会调用到 attachApplicationLocked()
5.1 AMS.attachApplicationLocked()
@GuardedBy("this") private final boolean attachApplicationLocked(IApplicationThread thread, int pid, int callingUid, long startSeq) { //... try { AppDeathRecipient adr = new AppDeathRecipient( app, pid, thread); thread.asBinder().linkToDeath(adr, 0); app.deathRecipient = adr; } catch (RemoteException e) { app.resetPackageList(mProcessStats); mProcessList.startProcessLocked(app, new HostingRecord("link fail", processName)); return false; } //... }
当有binder服务死亡,会调用 AppDeathRecipient 的 binderDied()
5.2 AppDeathRecipient.binderDied()
@Override public void binderDied() { if (DEBUG_ALL) Slog.v( TAG, "Death received in " + this + " for thread " + mAppThread.asBinder()); synchronized(ActivityManagerService.this) { appDiedLocked(mApp, mPid, mAppThread, true); } }
5.2.1 appDiedLocked()
@GuardedBy("this") final void appDiedLocked(ProcessRecord app, int pid, IApplicationThread thread, boolean fromBinderDied) { // First check if this ProcessRecord is actually active for the pid. synchronized (mPidsSelfLocked) { ProcessRecord curProc = mPidsSelfLocked.get(pid); if (curProc != app) { Slog.w(TAG, "Spurious death for " + app + ", curProc for " + pid + ": " + curProc); return; } } BatteryStatsImpl stats = mBatteryStatsService.getActiveStatistics(); synchronized (stats) { stats.noteProcessDiedLocked(app.info.uid, pid); } // 如果没有被杀,再次杀app if (!app.killed) { if (!fromBinderDied) { killProcessQuiet(pid); } ProcessList.killProcessGroup(app.uid, pid); app.killed = true; } // Clean up already done if the process has been re-started. if (app.pid == pid && app.thread != null && app.thread.asBinder() == thread.asBinder()) { boolean doLowMem = app.getActiveInstrumentation() == null; boolean doOomAdj = doLowMem; if (!app.killedByAm) { reportUidInfoMessageLocked(TAG, "Process " + app.processName + " (pid " + pid + ") has died: " + ProcessList.makeOomAdjString(app.setAdj, true) + " " + ProcessList.makeProcStateString(app.setProcState), app.info.uid); mAllowLowerMemLevel = true; } else { // Note that we always want to do oom adj to update our state with the // new number of procs. mAllowLowerMemLevel = false; doLowMem = false; } // 调用 handleAppDiedLocked handleAppDiedLocked(app, false, true); if (doOomAdj) { updateOomAdjLocked(OomAdjuster.OOM_ADJ_REASON_PROCESS_END); } if (doLowMem) { doLowMemReportIfNeededLocked(app); } } //... }
5.2.2 handleAppDiedLocked()
final void handleAppDiedLocked(ProcessRecord app, boolean restarting, boolean allowRestart) { int pid = app.pid; // 清理service、broadcastreveiver、contentprovider等信息 boolean kept = cleanUpApplicationRecordLocked(app, restarting, allowRestart, -1, false /*replacingPid*/); if (!kept && !restarting) { // 移除崩溃进程在AMS中的代表 ProcessRecord removeLruProcessLocked(app); if (pid > 0) { ProcessList.remove(pid); } } if (mProfileData.getProfileProc() == app) { clearProfilerLocked(); } // 继续调用 atm的 handleAppDied mAtmInternal.handleAppDied(app.getWindowProcessController(), restarting, () -> { Slog.w(TAG, "Crash of app " + app.processName + " running instrumentation " + app.getActiveInstrumentation().mClass); Bundle info = new Bundle(); info.putString("shortMsg", "Process crashed."); finishInstrumentationLocked(app, Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, info); }); }
- 清理service、broadcastreveiver、contentprovider等信息
- 移除移除崩溃进程 ProcessRecord
- 继续调用 atm的 handleAppDied
5.3 cleanUpApplicationRecordLocked()
final boolean cleanUpApplicationRecordLocked(ProcessRecord app, boolean restarting, boolean allowRestart, int index, boolean replacingPid) { if (index >= 0) { removeLruProcessLocked(app); ProcessList.remove(app.pid); } mProcessesToGc.remove(app); mPendingPssProcesses.remove(app); ProcessList.abortNextPssTime(app.procStateMemTracker); // 关闭所有已经打开的对话框: crash、anr、wait等 // Dismiss any open dialogs. if (app.crashDialog != null && !app.forceCrashReport) { app.crashDialog.dismiss(); app.crashDialog = null; } if (app.anrDialog != null) { app.anrDialog.dismiss(); app.anrDialog = null; } if (app.waitDialog != null) { app.waitDialog.dismiss(); app.waitDialog = null; } app.setCrashing(false); app.setNotResponding(false); app.resetPackageList(mProcessStats); app.unlinkDeathRecipient(); app.makeInactive(mProcessStats); app.waitingToKill = null; app.forcingToImportant = null; updateProcessForegroundLocked(app, false, 0, false); app.setHasForegroundActivities(false); app.hasShownUi = false; app.treatLikeActivity = false; app.hasAboveClient = false; app.setHasClientActivities(false); // 移除所有service 信息 mServices.killServicesLocked(app, allowRestart); boolean restart = false; // 移除所有的contentprovicer信息 // Remove published content providers. for (int i = app.pubProviders.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ContentProviderRecord cpr = app.pubProviders.valueAt(i); final boolean always = app.bad || !allowRestart; boolean inLaunching = removeDyingProviderLocked(app, cpr, always); if ((inLaunching || always) && cpr.hasConnectionOrHandle()) { // We left the provider in the launching list, need to // restart it. restart = true; } cpr.provider = null; cpr.setProcess(null); } app.pubProviders.clear(); // Take care of any launching providers waiting for this process. if (cleanupAppInLaunchingProvidersLocked(app, false)) { restart = true; } // Unregister from connected content providers. if (!app.conProviders.isEmpty()) { for (int i = app.conProviders.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ContentProviderConnection conn = app.conProviders.get(i); conn.provider.connections.remove(conn); stopAssociationLocked(app.uid, app.processName, conn.provider.uid, conn.provider.appInfo.longVersionCode, conn.provider.name, conn.provider.info.processName); } app.conProviders.clear(); } // At this point there may be remaining entries in mLaunchingProviders // where we were the only one waiting, so they are no longer of use. // Look for these and clean up if found. // XXX Commented out for now. Trying to figure out a way to reproduce // the actual situation to identify what is actually going on. if (false) { for (int i = mLaunchingProviders.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ContentProviderRecord cpr = mLaunchingProviders.get(i); if (cpr.connections.size() <= 0 && !cpr.hasExternalProcessHandles()) { synchronized (cpr) { cpr.launchingApp = null; cpr.notifyAll(); } } } } //移除所有的广播信息 skipCurrentReceiverLocked(app); // Unregister any receivers. for (int i = app.receivers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { removeReceiverLocked(app.receivers.valueAt(i)); } app.receivers.clear(); //清理App所有的备份 信息 // If the app is undergoing backup, tell the backup manager about it final BackupRecord backupTarget = mBackupTargets.get(app.userId); if (backupTarget != null && app.pid == backupTarget.app.pid) { if (DEBUG_BACKUP || DEBUG_CLEANUP) Slog.d(TAG_CLEANUP, "App " + backupTarget.appInfo + " died during backup"); mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run(){ try { IBackupManager bm = IBackupManager.Stub.asInterface( ServiceManager.getService(Context.BACKUP_SERVICE)); bm.agentDisconnectedForUser(app.userId, app.info.packageName); } catch (RemoteException e) { // can't happen; backup manager is local } } }); } for (int i = mPendingProcessChanges.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ProcessChangeItem item = mPendingProcessChanges.get(i); if (app.pid > 0 && item.pid == app.pid) { mPendingProcessChanges.remove(i); mAvailProcessChanges.add(item); } } mUiHandler.obtainMessage(DISPATCH_PROCESS_DIED_UI_MSG, app.pid, app.info.uid, null).sendToTarget(); // If the caller is restarting this app, then leave it in its // current lists and let the caller take care of it. if (restarting) { return false; } if (!app.isPersistent() || app.isolated) { if (DEBUG_PROCESSES || DEBUG_CLEANUP) Slog.v(TAG_CLEANUP, "Removing non-persistent process during cleanup: " + app); if (!replacingPid) { mProcessList.removeProcessNameLocked(app.processName, app.uid, app); } mAtmInternal.clearHeavyWeightProcessIfEquals(app.getWindowProcessController()); } else if (!app.removed) { // This app is persistent, so we need to keep its record around. // If it is not already on the pending app list, add it there // and start a new process for it. if (mPersistentStartingProcesses.indexOf(app) < 0) { mPersistentStartingProcesses.add(app); restart = true; } } if ((DEBUG_PROCESSES || DEBUG_CLEANUP) && mProcessesOnHold.contains(app)) Slog.v( TAG_CLEANUP, "Clean-up removing on hold: " + app); mProcessesOnHold.remove(app); mAtmInternal.onCleanUpApplicationRecord(app.getWindowProcessController()); if (restart && !app.isolated) { // We have components that still need to be running in the // process, so re-launch it. if (index < 0) { ProcessList.remove(app.pid); } mProcessList.addProcessNameLocked(app); app.pendingStart = false; mProcessList.startProcessLocked(app, new HostingRecord("restart", app.processName)); return true; } else if (app.pid > 0 && app.pid != MY_PID) { // Goodbye! mPidsSelfLocked.remove(app); mHandler.removeMessages(PROC_START_TIMEOUT_MSG, app); mBatteryStatsService.noteProcessFinish(app.processName, app.info.uid); if (app.isolated) { mBatteryStatsService.removeIsolatedUid(app.uid, app.info.uid); } app.setPid(0); } return false; }
5.4 atms.handleAppDied()
@HotPath(caller = HotPath.PROCESS_CHANGE) @Override public void handleAppDied(WindowProcessController wpc, boolean restarting, Runnable finishInstrumentationCallback) { synchronized (mGlobalLockWithoutBoost) { // Remove this application's activities from active lists. // 清理activities相关信息 boolean hasVisibleActivities = mRootActivityContainer.handleAppDied(wpc); wpc.clearRecentTasks(); wpc.clearActivities(); if (wpc.isInstrumenting()) { finishInstrumentationCallback.run(); } if (!restarting && hasVisibleActivities) { mWindowManager.deferSurfaceLayout(); try { if (!mRootActivityContainer.resumeFocusedStacksTopActivities()) { // If there was nothing to resume, and we are not already restarting // this process, but there is a visible activity that is hosted by the // process...then make sure all visible activities are running, taking // care of restarting this process. // 确保恢复顶部的activity mRootActivityContainer.ensureActivitiesVisible(null, 0, !PRESERVE_WINDOWS); } } finally { // windows相关 mWindowManager.continueSurfaceLayout(); } } } }
- 清理activities相关信息
- 确保恢复顶部的activity
- 更新windows相关信息
至此,Binder死亡通知后的处理流程也基本走完,App的整个java crash流程也宣告结束了。
当App发生崩溃后,除了弹出对话框,发送kill命令杀掉自身后。AMS还会收到App进程的Binder服务死亡通知,只有当走完Binder的 binderDied()流程后,整个崩溃流程才算真正结束。
以上就是Android Java crash 处理流程详解的详细内容,更多关于Android Java crash处理流程的资料请关注自由互联其它相关文章!