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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-07-02
Howexactlyisdictimplementedthatithasalineartimelookupforcollisions?Iwouldassumethat How exactly is dict implemented that it has a linear time lookup for collisions? I would assume that it is implemented as a hashtable backed by a list. I wou

How exactly is dict implemented that it has a linear time lookup for collisions? I would assume that it is implemented as a hashtable backed by a list. I would presume that a better implementation would be O(log(n)) for various operations, using a tree to back the table instead. Is there some magic happening behind the scenes to keep the constant time lookups alive for as long as possible?


My source for this, by the way, is this:


http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome it's extremely useful to be able to iterate over [a,b) in an ordered set, which hash tables don't allow.


I do consider it a flaw that Python doesn't have a standard binary tree container, but for the performance characteristics needed by the Python core, like __dict__ lookups, a hash table does make more sense.

我认为Python没有标准的二叉树容器是一个缺陷,但是对于Python核心所需的性能特征,比如__dict__ lookups,散列表确实更有意义。



Reliable sources of information about the hash functions and collision-resolution strategy that are actually used include the comments in the source file dictobject.c and the whole of the file dictnotes.txt

