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来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-08-25
#include stdarg.h#include "rtklib.h" #define PROGNAME "rnx2rtkp" /* program name /#define MAXFILE 16 / max number of input files */ /* help text ----------------------------------------------------------------- /static const char help[]={""

#include <stdarg.h> #include "rtklib.h"

#define PROGNAME "rnx2rtkp" /* program name / #define MAXFILE 16 / max number of input files */

/* help text -----------------------------------------------------------------/ static const char help[]={ "", " usage: rnx2rtkp [option]... file file [...]", "", " Read RINEX OBS/NAV/GNAV/HNAV/CLK, SP3, SBAS message log files and ccompute ", " receiver (rover) positions and output position solutions.", " The first RINEX OBS file shall contain receiver (rover) observations. For the", " relative mode, the second RINEX OBS file shall contain reference", " (base station) receiver observations. At least one RINEX NAV/GNAV/HNAV", " file shall be included in input files. To use SP3 precise ephemeris, specify", " the path in the files. The extension of the SP3 file shall be .sp3 or .eph.", " All of the input file paths can include wild-cards (). To avoid command", " line deployment of wild-cards, use \"...\" for paths with wild-cards.", " Command line options are as follows ([]:default). With -k option, the", " processing options are input from the configuration file. In this case,", " command line options precede options in the configuration file.", "", " -? print help", " -k file input options from configuration file [off]", " -o file set output file [stdout]", " -ts ds ts start day/time (ds=y/m/d ts=h:m:s) [obs start time]", " -te de te end day/time (de=y/m/d te=h:m:s) [obs end time]", " -ti tint time interval (sec) [all]", " -p mode mode (0:single,1:dgps,2:kinematic,3:static,4:moving-base,", " 5:fixed,6:ppp-kinematic,7:ppp-static) [2]", " -m mask elevation mask angle (deg) [15]", " -sys s[,s...] nav system(s) (s=G:GPS,R:GLO,E:GAL,J:QZS,C:BDS,I:IRN) [G|R]", " -f freq number of frequencies for relative mode (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) [2]", " -v thres validation threshold for integer ambiguity (0.0:no AR) [3.0]", " -b backward solutions [off]", " -c forward/backward combined solutions [off]", " -i instantaneous integer ambiguity resolution [off]", " -h fix and hold for integer ambiguity resolution [off]", " -e output x/y/z-ecef position [latitude/longitude/height]", " -a output e/n/u-baseline [latitude/longitude/height]", " -n output NMEA-0183 GGA sentence [off]", " -g output latitude/longitude in the form of ddd mm ss.ss' [ddd.ddd]", " -t output time in the form of yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.ss [sssss.ss]", " -u output time in utc [gpst]", " -d col number of decimals in time [3]", " -s sep field separator [' ']", " -r x y z reference (base) receiver ecef pos (m) [average of single pos]", " rover receiver ecef pos (m) for fixed or ppp-fixed mode", " -l lat lon hgt reference (base) receiver latitude/longitude/height (deg/m)", " rover latitude/longitude/height for fixed or ppp-fixed mode", " -y level output soltion status (0:off,1:states,2:residuals) [0]", " -x level debug trace level (0:off) [0]" }; / show message --------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern int showmsg(const char *format, ...) { va_list arg; va_start(arg,format); vfprintf(stderr,format,arg); va_end(arg); fprintf(stderr,"\r"); return 0; } extern void settspan(gtime_t ts, gtime_t te) {} extern void settime(gtime_t time) {}

/* print help ----------------------------------------------------------------/ static void printhelp(void) { int i; for (i=0;i<(int)(sizeof(help)/sizeof(help));i++) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",help[i]); exit(0); } / rnx2rtkp main -------------------------------------------------------------/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { prcopt_t prcopt=prcopt_default; solopt_t solopt=solopt_default; filopt_t filopt={""}; gtime_t ts={0},te={0}; double tint=0.0,es[]={2000,1,1,0,0,0},ee[]={2000,12,31,23,59,59},pos[3]; int i,j,n,ret; char *infile[MAXFILE],*outfile="",*p;

prcopt.mode  =PMODE_KINEMA;
sprintf(solopt.prog ,"%s ver.%s %s",PROGNAME,VER_RTKLIB,PATCH_LEVEL);

/* load options from configuration file */
for (i=1;i<argc;i++) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-k")&&i+1<argc) {
        if (!loadopts(argv[++i],sysopts)) return -1;
for (i=1,n=0;i<argc;i++) {
    if      (!strcmp(argv[i],"-o")&&i+1<argc) outfile=argv[++i];
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ts")&&i+2<argc) {
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-te")&&i+2<argc) {
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ti")&&i+1<argc) tint=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-k")&&i+1<argc) {++i; continue;}
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-p")&&i+1<argc) prcopt.mode=atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-f")&&i+1<argc) prcopt.nf=atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-sys")&&i+1<argc) {
        for (p=argv[++i];*p;p++) {
            switch (*p) {
                case 'G': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_GPS;
                case 'R': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_GLO;
                case 'E': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_GAL;
                case 'J': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_QZS;
                case 'C': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_CMP;
                case 'I': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_IRN;
            if (!(p=strchr(p,','))) break;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-m")&&i+1<argc) prcopt.elmin=atof(argv[++i])*D2R;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-v")&&i+1<argc) prcopt.thresar[0]=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-s")&&i+1<argc) strcpy(solopt.sep,argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")&&i+1<argc) solopt.timeu=atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-b")) prcopt.soltype=1;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-c")) prcopt.soltype=2;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-i")) prcopt.modear=2;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")) prcopt.modear=3;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-t")) solopt.timef=1;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-u")) solopt.times=TIMES_UTC;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-e")) solopt.posf=SOLF_XYZ;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-a")) solopt.posf=SOLF_ENU;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-n")) solopt.posf=SOLF_NMEA;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-g")) solopt.degf=1;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-r")&&i+3<argc) {
        for (j=0;j<3;j++) prcopt.rb[j]=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-l")&&i+3<argc) {
        for (j=0;j<3;j++) pos[j]=atof(argv[++i]);
        for (j=0;j<2;j++) pos[j]*=D2R;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-y")&&i+1<argc) solopt.sstat=atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-x")&&i+1<argc) solopt.trace=atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (*argv[i]=='-') printhelp();
    else if (n<MAXFILE) infile[n++]=argv[i];
if (!prcopt.navsys) {
if (n<=0) {
    showmsg("error : no input file");
    return -2;

if (!ret) fprintf(stderr,"%40s\r","");
return ret;

