我想在窗口小部件的标题旁边添加一个(?),以便用户可以悬停或单击它并获取额外的信息和他们可以单击的链接. 这就是我现在所拥有的: ## app.R ##library(shiny)library(shinydashboard)library(s
## app.R ## library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinyBS) # Header header <- dashboardHeader() # Sidebar sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(fileInput("chosenfile", label = h4("File input"), accept = ".csv"), bsButton("q1", label = "", icon = icon("question"), style = "info", size = "extra-small"), bsPopover(id = "q1", title = "Tidy data", content = paste0("You should read the ", a("tidy data paper", href = "http://vita.had.co.nz/papers/tidy-data.pdf", target="_blank")), placement = "right", trigger = "click", options = list(container = "body") ) ) # Body body <- dashboardBody() # ui ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body) # server server <- function(input, output) { } # run shinyApp(ui, server)
## app.R ## library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(shinyBS) # Header header <- dashboardHeader() # Sidebar sidebar <- dashboardSidebar( fileInput("chosenfile", label = h4("File input ", tags$style(type = "text/css", "#q1 {vertical-align: top;}"), bsButton("q1", label = "", icon = icon("question"), style = "info", size = "extra-small") ), accept = ".csv"), bsPopover(id = "q1", title = "Tidy data", content = paste0("You should read the ", a("tidy data paper", href = "http://vita.had.co.nz/papers/tidy-data.pdf", target="_blank") ), placement = "right", trigger = "focus", options = list(container = "body") ) ) # Body body <- dashboardBody() # ui ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body) # server server <- function(input, output) {} # run shinyApp(ui, server)