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Cocoa Application Bootstrap问题

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2021-06-12
我是一名经验丰富的开发人员,是Mac开发的新手,所以我 阅读a nice objective C guide 阅读Apple memory management guide 经过Apple intro to Cocoa 查看了NSApplication和NSApplicationDelegate参考 介绍一下 还有很多

>阅读a nice objective C guide
>阅读Apple memory management guide
>经过Apple intro to Cocoa


>由XCode生成的“委托”包含NSPersistentStoreCoordinator,NSManagedObjectModel和NSManagedObjectContext的实例 – 请详细说明?
>委托被声明为“@interface tests_AppDelegate:NSObject {”.为什么协议丢失了?我在那里看到网上的例子.
>我看到应用程序委托在Interface Builder中实例化.它在哪里传递到NSApplication实例?

The “delegate” that gets generated by XCode contains instances of NSPersistentStoreCoordinator, NSManagedObjectModel, and NSManagedObjectContext — details please?

这是Core Data的东西.

The delegate is declared “@interface tests_AppDelegate : NSObject {” . Why is the protocol missing? I see examples on the net with it there.

可能是疏忽. AppKit并不总是有正式的NSApplicationDelegate协议. Apple可能根本不会更新模板.你可能是file a bug.

I see that the application delegate is instantiated inside Interface Builder. Where is it passed into the NSApplication instance?

