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leetcode-154-Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-08-26
similar than 153, but need to takte care of Error No.2 Error: Do not understand duplicate, it means that we will have a situation which left and right are equal do not take care of mid == left, mid == right, left == right, since at that tim

similar than 153, but need to takte care of Error No.2


  1. Do not understand duplicate, it means that we will have a situation which left and right are equal
  2. do not take care of mid == left, mid == right, left == right, since at that time we do not know which pare has minimum, just reduce bounds.

【文章原创作者:阿里云代理 http://www.558idc.com/aliyun.html 网络转载请说明出处】
上一篇:leetcode-43-Multiply Strings