1 内容介绍
2 部分代码
% pso_Trelea_vectorized.m
% 通用粒子群优化器
% 以查找任何项的最小值或最大值
% 味精矩阵函数
% 使用率:
% [选择选项]=PSO(函数名,D)
% 或:
% [选择输出,tr,te]=...
% PSO(functname,D,mv,VarRange,minmax,PSOparams,plotfcn,PSOseedValue)
% 输入:
% 函子名 - 要优化的 matlab 函数字符串
% D - 函数输入的 # (问题的维度)
% 可选输入:
% mv - 最大粒子速度,标量或长度为 D 的向量
% 默认值 = 4,如果未输入,则设置为 NaN 或输入
% 变量范围 - 每个输入变量的范围矩阵,
% 默认值 -100 到 100,格式为:
% [ 最小值1 最大值1
% 最小值2 最大值2
% ...
% 最小值 最大值 ]
% 最小值 = 0,函数最小化(默认值)
% = 1,函数最大化
% = 2,函数以 P(12) 为目标(最小化到遍历的距离)
% PS蛋白酶 - PSO 参数
% P(1) - 更新显示之间的时间,默认值 = 100。如果为 0,
% no display
% P(2) - Maximum number of iterations (epochs) to train, default = 2000.
% P(3) - population size, default = 24
% P(4) - acceleration const 1 (local best influence), default = 2
% P(5) - acceleration const 2 (global best influence), default = 2
% P(6) - Initial inertia weight, default = 0.9
% P(7) - Final inertia weight, default = 0.4
% P(8) - Epoch when inertial weight at final value, default = 1500
% P(9)- minimum global error gradient,
% if abs(Gbest(i+1)-Gbest(i)) < gradient over
% certain length of epochs, terminate run, default = 1e-25
% P(10)- epochs before error gradient criterion terminates run,
默认值 % = 150(如果 SSE 在 250 个纪元内未更改)
% 然后退出
% P(11)- 误差目标,如果 NaN 则无约束最小值或最大值,则默认值为 NaN
% P(12)- 类型标志(使用哪种 PSO)
% 0 = 带间质的普通 PSO(默认)
% 1,2 = 特雷利类型 1,2
% 3 = 克莱尔克收缩 PSO,类型 1”
% P(13)- PS 已确定,默认值为 0
% = 0 表示初始仓位全部随机
% = 1 表示作为用户输入的初始粒子
% 绘图fcn - 绘图函数的可选名称,默认的“主题”,
% PS已摄取值 - 初始粒子位置,取决于 P(13),必须为
如果 P(13) 是 1 或 2,不用于 P(13)=0,则需要
% 为 nXm,其中 n<= ps,并且 m<= D
% 如果 n<ps 和/或 m<D,则剩余值是随机设置的
% 在瓦朗日上
% 输出:
% optOUT - 最佳输入和关联的最小/最大输出功能,形式为:
% [ bestin1
% bestin2
如果 D <(2)
如果 ps < tmpsz(1)
% 设置绘图标志
如果 (P(1))~=0
情节流 =0;
% 预分配变量以加快速度
tr = 一(1,me)*纳纳;
% 负责在此处设置最大速度和位置参数
velmaskmin = -mv*一% 最小值,psXD 矩阵
velmaskmax = mv*一(ps,D);% 最大垂直度
elseif 长度(mv)==D
if (迭代贝斯特-错误)^2 <= (gbestval-ergoal)^2
格贝斯特瓦尔 = 伊特贝斯特瓦尔;
gbest = pbest(idx1,:);
% 与训练方案一起使用,用于神经网络训练
% 在每次迭代时将 gbest 分配给净值,这些临时分配
% 主要用于绘图
if strcmp(functname,'pso_neteval(i-250:i,(bestpos(i-250:i,dimcnt))',20);
% % pred_coef = polyfit(200:i,(bestpos(200:i,dimcnt))',20);
% gbest_pred(i,dimcnt) = polyval(pred_coef,i+1);
% end
% else
% gbest_pred(i,:) = zeros(size(gbest));
% end
% % convert to non-inertial frame
% gbestoffset = gbest - gbest_pred(i,:);
% gbest = gbest - gbestoffset;
% pos = pos + repmat(gbestoffset,ps,1);
% pbest = pbest + repmat(gbestoffset,ps,1);
% get new velocities, positions (this is the heart of the PSO algorithm)
% each epoch get new set of random numbers
rannum1 = rand([ps,D]); % for Trelea and Clerc types
rannum2 = rand([ps,D]);
if trelea == 2
% from Trelea's paper, parameter set 2
vel = 0.729.*vel... % prev vel
+1.494.*rannum1.*(pbest-pos)... % independent
+1.494.*rannum2.*(repmat(gbest,ps,1)-pos); % social
elseif trelea == 1
% from Trelea's paper, parameter set 1
vel = 0.600.*vel... % prev vel
+1.700.*rannum1.*(pbest-pos)... % independent
+1.700.*rannum2.*(repmat(gbest,ps,1)-pos); % social
elseif trelea ==3
% Clerc's Type 1" PSO
vel = chi*(vel... % prev vel
+ac1.*rannum1.*(pbest-pos)... % independent
+ac2.*rannum2.*(repmat(gbest,ps,1)-pos)) ; % social
% common PSO algo with inertia wt
% get inertia weight, just a linear funct w.r.t. epoch parameter iwe
if i<=iwe
iwt(i) = ((iw2-iw1)/(iwe-1))*(i-1)+iw1;
iwt(i) = iw2;
% random number including acceleration constants
ac11 = rannum1.*ac1; % for common PSO w/inertia
ac22 = rannum2.*ac2;
vel = iwt(i).*vel... % prev vel
+ac11.*(pbest-pos)... % independent
+ac22.*(repmat(gbest,ps,1)-pos); % social
% limit velocities here using masking
vel = ( (vel <= velmaskmin).*velmaskmin ) + ( (vel > velmaskmin).*vel );
vel = ( (vel >= velmaskmax).*velmaskmax ) + ( (vel < velmaskmax).*vel );
% update new position (PSO algo)
pos = pos + vel;
% position masking, limits positions to desired search space
% method: 0) no position limiting, 1) saturation at limit,
% 2) wraparound at limit , 3) bounce off limit
minposmask_throwaway = pos <= posmaskmin; % these are psXD matrices
minposmask_keep = pos > posmaskmin;
maxposmask_throwaway = pos >= posmaskmax;
maxposmask_keep = pos < posmaskmax;
if posmaskmeth == 1
% this is the saturation method
pos = ( minposmask_throwaway.*posmaskmin ) + ( minposmask_keep.*pos );
pos = ( maxposmask_throwaway.*posmaskmax ) + ( maxposmask_keep.*pos );
elseif posmaskmeth == 2
% this is the wraparound method
pos = ( minposmask_throwaway.*posmaskmax ) + ( minposmask_keep.*pos );
pos = ( maxposmask_throwaway.*posmaskmin ) + ( maxposmask_keep.*pos );
elseif posmaskmeth == 3
% this is the bounce method, particles bounce off the boundaries with -vel
pos = ( minposmask_throwaway.*posmaskmin ) + ( minposmask_keep.*pos );
pos = ( maxposmask_throwaway.*posmaskmax ) + ( maxposmask_keep.*pos );
vel = (vel.*minposmask_keep) + (-vel.*minposmask_throwaway);
vel = (vel.*maxposmask_keep) + (-vel.*maxposmask_throwaway);
% no change, this is the original Eberhart, Kennedy method,
% it lets the particles grow beyond bounds if psoparams (P)
% especially Vmax, aren't set correctly, see the literature
% check for stopping criterion based on speed of convergence to desired
% error
tmp1 = abs(tr(i) - gbestval);
if tmp1 > ergrd
cnt2 = 0;
elseif tmp1 <= ergrd
cnt2 = cnt2+1;
if cnt2 >= ergrdep
if plotflg == 1
disp(' ');
disp(['--> Solution likely, GBest hasn''t changed by at least ',...
num2str(ergrd),' for ',...
num2str(cnt2),' epochs.']);
if ((gbestval<=errgoal) & (minmax==0)) | ((gbestval>=errgoal) & (minmax==1))
if plotflg == 1
disp(' ');
disp(['--> Error Goal reached, successful termination!']);
eval((tr(i)<errgoal) & (gbestval>=errgoal)) | ((tr(i)>errgoal) ...
& (gbestval <= errgoal))
if plotflg == 1
disp(' ');
disp(['--> Error Goal reached, successful termination!']);
% pbest = pbest - repmat(gbestoffset,ps,1);
% gbest = gbest + gbestoffset;
end % end epoch loop
%% clear temp outputs
% eval(find(~isnan(tr)))];
3 运行结果
4 参考文献
[1]芮钧, 陈守伦. MATLAB粒子群算法工具箱求解水电站优化调度问题[J]. 中国农村水利水电, 2009(1):3.
[2]解玖霞. 基于粒子群算法的主动配电网经济优化调度[J]. 电气技术, 2017(9):4.