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leetcode-865-Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes

来源:互联网 收集:自由互联 发布时间:2023-08-26
With pattern: if(node == NULL){ // do something}left = do_something(root-left)right = do_something(root-right)do_something with root, left, right we can get that, left and right return its depth and the deepest node’s parents Error: do no

With pattern:

if(node == NULL){
 // do something
left = do_something(root->left)
right = do_something(root->right)
do_something with root, left, right

we can get that, left and right return its depth and the deepest node’s parents


  1. do not know the meaning of function and its return, with function depth(root), we return current depth of subtree, and the deepest node in the pair structure.
